Monday, September 8, 2008

Only the "I" can reinvent himself...

...not the you.
"You can't just make stuff up, you can't just reinvent yourself," he said earlier in Flint, Michigan, in response to Palin's boast that she had intervened to kill the federally funded bridge.
Let's see. In a desperate move to create a record, Sen. Obama gets his name attached to legislation so uncontroversial it passes by a unanimous voice vote -- and then paints it as a "Profile in Courage." He may not have invented "reinventing himself," but he sure has reinvented it.

Now we learn from the AFP that Sen Obama claims McCain-Palin are 'lying' about their "maverick claims." Strong words from a mighty orator.

If that wasn't bad enough, he went on to accuse the boastful Sarah Palin (the AFP's description) and audience seducing Sarah Palin (the AP) of being a great Mayor by snagging millions of Federal dollars for projects in her town. I mean, what's she suppose to do? Send the money to Chicago? I guess this is a stab at the Liberal's favorite charge: hypocrisy. How can you be against earmarks if you in some way benefited from them? But she simply played the game by the established rules until the rules can be changed. (I gather Sen. McCain never accepted an earmark, so it would be hard to attack him.)

Apparently Sen. Obama always voted for Alaska's famed "bridge to nowhere" when it came up on the Pork List. So Gov. Palin can brag -- or boast, if you prefer -- that she turned against it before he did. Sen. Obama is right: you can't just make this stuff up.

UPDATE: Anyone who works in a practical way knows that as you work in a practical way you will spot the impracticalities. When you have responsibilities and as you work responsibly, you more clearly see the irresponsible. The key is not to become impractical and irresponsible yourself, but to work with what you got while seeking improvements. In Sen. Obama case, was he ever really successful at improving things in Chicago when he worked with his leftist friends? By his own admission, pretty much not (and then there is that murder rate). During his association with the Chicago "machine" his behavior is best described as "get along by going along."

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