Monday, October 31, 2022

The Bible Becomes Bile

According to the New York Post, "pro-transgender activists ate pages from a Bible as they protested an event featuring Matt Walsh and his controversial documentary 'What is a Woman?' at the University of Wisconsin-Madison."

They should take care. If the Bible thus consumed is truly digested, it will get into their bloodstream. This would make a good horror movie for progressives.

The Good Activist eats the family bible at a highly publicized "last supper." That night spiritual beings (demons sent by Donald Trump to torment him -- or so he thinks) appear -- which he puts down to a nightmare caused by acid reflux until they linker into his waking hours. These demons struggle with his angelic system of ordained Marxist Beliefs. He thinks he is becoming delusional as life lessons from the Bible sneak into his thoughts. He begins to feel unfamiliar sensations like happiness, tolerance (as opposed to "tolerance"), and respect for others. He is no longer hostile to the diversity of thought but instead finds encountering other points of view stimulating.

As the fog of depression lifts from his mind, he realizes the spiritual beings are actually his ancestors whose traditional beliefs appeal to the better angles of his nature. For instance, he no longer believes Clarence Thomas is a White Supremacist. He finds that he can now speak obvious truths and even smile as he is canceled and the red carpet leading to a full professorship is yanked from beneath his feet. His former associates are aghast but that's OK because he can now function in the real world and no longer needs the "reality-based community" to feel a weak, uncertain, and fleeting sense of purpose.

Thursday, October 13, 2022

Courting the Children on Climate

In their efforts to gain ever more power, the left seems to favor those who either have yet to reach "the age of reason" (Greta Thunberg, the students at Yale Law) or are well beyond it (Joe Biden). Apparently, they find "a little thinking" among their agents a threat to the movement. So now they have created a court case attacking Montana land management while using children as a shield and wielding the aliments of two-year-olds like Galadriel's sword. You see, the world's going to end before they can vote, on account of their living in a climate-controlled home with hot and cold running water where they don't have to take a trip to the outhouse when it's 40 below and their pee freezes before it hits the ground.

I'm thinking this is a left-wing managed and staged court proceeding so the people being sued won't put up much of a defense and the jury will be overwhelmingly "for-the-children" (if the members have recently moved to Bozeman from Berkeley, that would be a plus). In fact, I would argue for a jury of their peers, which would mean mental ages of no more than six years.

Unfortunately for the Left, a stout defense would throw much doubt on the validity of "man-made climate change." It could even examine the considerable damage caused by the power-grabbing (not power-generating) programs the movement champions. Personally, I think the actions of the adults involved (if I may give their court filings a twist) harm the children's physical and psychological health and safety; interfere with family and cultural foundations and integrity; and cause economic deprivations -- not the state of Montana. Therefore, their suit will likely target fellow-traveling bureaucrats who want to lose, and by losing, win.

Children's Climate Trial