Saturday, September 13, 2008

I'm Drownding, I'm Drownding. How do you spell Drownding?

I only got to see 35 minutes of the Gibson-Palin interview last night from here in Galveston, Texas. Alright, I'm not in Galveston, even though facing certain death from a 25 foot wall of water sounds intriguing. Apparently, many of the citizens of Galveston feel the same way. But I'm in Ohio facing certain rain. I thought if I say I'm in Galveston it will help blog traffic. But then people will come to the blog and find that I am not in Galveston facing certain death (it's wet, I'm wet, I'm drowning!) and be disappointed. And they don't even know me! Where was I?

Right, I was thinking the whole Sarah thing has peaked. She did not commit a gaffe and Gibson put enough pressure on her to show she does not easily shake. She'll be a fine vice president. She does not seem to believe that the answer to every problem is in DC, and I like that. Of the "three things" they would do different from Bush, getting the regulators in Washington to function on a rational and sound economic basis is mighty important. The whole subprime mortgage mess was a gift from Washington, set in motion back in the 90's by changes to make mortgages more accessible to those who probably shouldn't have one. Regulatory reform is boring, but if they could actually do that, it would be a boon to the economy.

Interestingly, in the discussion afterwards Democrat Dee Dee Meyers refused to go after Gov. Palin. That can only be because their attacks have backfired badly. So look for Gov. Palin to fade from the news while the media and the Democrats nurse their wounds.

On the Democrats Umbrage to nowhere -- I'll point out Senators Biden and Obama voted for funding the Bridge "to nowhere" and the media acts as if they had no other choice. Somehow, it's all the fault of the Governor who cut it from the state budget while the Senators spending the money are like innocent bystanders. So being a Senator is a lot like being a small town mayor except you don't have to take responsibility for anything.

Our national media pretends to be the watch dogs of the people when they are really the guard dogs of the Washington Political Establishment.

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