Tuesday, December 5, 2023

COP-Out China

 COP28 Climate Change Conference

They're throwing another Climate Change feast somewhere and the number 28 means there were 27 previous party-hardies for the Climate Control Crowd. Peter Zeihan provides a short summation of what is going on. Apparently China, often held up as a model, is in "count me out" mode on the latest proposal.

Zeihan makes a point similar to the one I've been making for decades: CO2 is like "the little gas that could" in the global warming catastrophe scenario.  It works on a narrow spectrum of sunlight and is quite potent when first introduced but soon approaches its "upper limit" when it comes to greenhouse warming. At this point, its additional effects are rather small (water vapor is more powerful and when will they do something about the rain?). To get its assigned Civilization-destroying job done, CO2 needs a lot of help. This comes in the form of "feedback loops."

Methane is a potent greenhouse gas.  There is a lot of methane hydrate at the bottom of the ocean, where the pressure and the cold keep it trapped.  Warm the Oceans and this methane is released, leading to a runaway greenhouse effect and a potential mass extinction event.  This is the "feedback loop" that all the other "feedback loops" lead to.

There is a problem though. Methane breaks down rapidly in the atmosphere and in a few years much of it is gone and in ten years all of it. So it can't be a slow, steady release of methane, it has to happen quickly to produce the kind of effects that will make fearful populations willing to pay more taxes, higher more bureaucrats and submit to more control. Not Enough Government seems to be the real crisis all these Climate COPs are addressing.

Friday, December 1, 2023

Midway to Space

 SpaceX Starship Third Launch! Closer Than You Think

Felix, at his WAI YouTube channel, discusses the possible expansions of StarBase Texas to accommodate more launches of Starship. Considering the opposition that a few launches a year stir up, I wonder if an increased capacity will be needed -- not when the intended future pace is a dozen (or several) a day. These ships will carry 200 tons of cargo into Low Earth Orbit and then return for relaunch (with some return cargo once space manufacturing is up and running). Hearing the accompanying Kabooms might upset the neighbors (not to mention the risks of a mishap).  

So here is a modest proposal: establish a spaceport at Midway Island in the Pacific. It's midway between the Americas and Asia and could be a great future location for a Space Manufacturing hop-hub, with all the accompanying ups and downs.

The island (part of the Hawaiian Island chain) is small -- though it was the center of a decisive WWII naval battle that carries its name.  However, it is surrounded by US territorial waters where "Oil Platform" style launch pads could be located. Converted container ships could provide areas for workshops. LNG-style tankers could store fuel. A cruise liner could house the workforce. Much of the ground-level work can be done from Hawaii and the families of launch crews could live there while the working partners return for breaks.

The Island is isolated, so the high pace of launching and catching rockets won't disturb voters. Of course, it's now a wilderness area so some care would be required not to disturb the fish. Congress should establish a legal framework to allow private companies and competing launchers to operate from the Midway Spaceport transparently. A regulated, but privately owned, Spaceport Authority could be established and listed on the New York Stock Exchange.

Sunday, November 19, 2023

Saving Myself

 A while back I decided that the comments I spread around the internet display such genius that I should start saving them. So I put a folder on my desktop and labeled it "Comments." It contains one. Here it is:

The United States has a two-party system: There is a Responsible Party and an Irresponsible Party.

The Responsible Party is easy to identify. When something goes wrong, the Responsible Party is the party responsible -- either individually or as a group (as in "it's society's fault"). The Irresponsible Party is never responsible for the problem (when Flint's water went bad, was it the responsibility of the water department? Why ask). However, the Irresponsible Party will freely offer solutions that the Responsible Party should finance and implement (while ignoring the name-calling, the selfish bastards).

Members of the Irresponsible Party are more difficult to identify because they often look responsible and act responsibly where their own lives are concerned. They can push for a course on Critical Race Theory and non-racist athematic in public schools while sending their own kids to private schools. The typical criminal is a member of the Irresponsible Party but so is the prosecutor that releases a criminal with a high probability of offending again. Neither is responsible for what happens.

Members of the Irresponsible Party are often idealists who will join an organization with no intention of furthering that organization's mission. Indeed, their intention is to re-purpose the institution and move it in a different direction, to basically undermine it and fundamentally transform it. Their actions are deliberate, but often lack deliberation. Having identified with a cause on a personal level, questioning the wisdom of their actions becomes a highly personal attack on their self-worth. This applies to the idealist. The Sociopaths, who hope to take over when society fails and falls, don't practice self-deceit, just deceit straight-up.

I was thinking of making this a book with reasoned arguments and examples and footnotes and stuff.

A current example is Hamas -- an irresponsible party -- and Israel (guess which role it fills).

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Deutschland Uber all the Rest?

 The End of Germany as a Modern Economy || Peter Zeihan

Peter uses his "Merry Prophet of Doom" persona for this short video. He's hiking in the Rockies and increased endorphins may account for his detachment from the existential struggles facing the inhabitants of central Europe. In the past, these folks became quite proactive when facing a perceived threat -- just ask the ancient Romans. Need we mention the "Lebensraum" phase that required so much of the world's attention in the 1930s and 1940s? No. Simply alluding to those events will do.

He mentions Germany's 2 trillion dollar expenditure on "Green Energy," and the statistical and rhetorical tap-dancing required to make it appear more than a waste of resources. Then there is the bet on Russia as the primary source of the raw materials that feed German Industry -- putting Putin in the position to cut that lifeline. Fortunately, coal's discount cousin, lignite (with its bonus CO2), has come to the rescue.

He expected Putin's cutting the gas supply would make German support for Ukraine collapse, but I wasn't so sure: Donald Trump predicted that scenario, and we can't have him look good. So, which is the more likely explanation: the Social Democrats' unexpected acquisition of fortitude or their sudden need to avoid embarrassment?

In the end, Peter suggests that an aging population may cause Germany to "pass into this good night -- quietly" instead of -- as Dylan Thomas said -- raging against the dying of the light. Who wants to see Germany in a rage?

I'm not so sure about the dying of Germany's industrial might or light -- though not about the "quietly" part, since Quiet Patience can be an excellent policy. Through no fault of its own, Germany finds Ukraine fighting a war that America is largely financing that will, in the end, likely benefit Germany. Assuming Ukraine maintains its independence -- with or without territorial loss -- it will be dependent on a benevolent Germany and it will be in Germany's interest to be benevolent. Ukraine can supply food from industrial farms and young people to an industrial Germany (Ukraine also has an aging population but its young people can send money home to mom and dad). A chastened Russia will once again become a reliable raw material supplier while needing a German-dominated NATO as a guarantor against an expansionist China and secessionist movements.

Did I say "a German-dominated Nato?" Yep. With a Russian defeat in Ukraine, the US participation in NATO will no longer be needed. Remember, the reason for keeping America in is to keep Germany down, and why would the Germans want that? As NATO's focus moves into Central Asia, Americans will feel increasingly uncomfortable with their membership in the organization, and rightly so: very few Americans want to get involved in a country whose name ends in stan. Perhaps the Germans will show the US the door while the French become desperate for the Americans to stay. Might they offer the US a base in Alsace-Lorraine?

Friday, October 6, 2023

Think of it as "Wet-landia"

Commentary: ‘The Swamp’ is everywhere — even in Republican Tennessee

I call the conglomeration of special interests that controls this country The Crony Class. The Crony Class has its Crony Class Consciousness and Crony Class interests. Its chief interest is a continually growing government, used to dispense favors and money to members of the Crony Class and the retainers who support their demands.

Naturally, they cannot be upfront about any of this. I would rather discuss the 2,200 billion dollars of borrowed money (just this year!) they are using to keep themselves in power, as well as the tens of thousands of additional pages of regulations they are using to solidify their class interests and pick winners (themselves) and losers (everyone else). They would prefer I focus my attention on the tribulations and trials (literally) of Donald Trump -- not that I blame them.

After all, they want to control the 7,200 billion dollars flowing through Washington DC every year (and grow it to 10,000 billion) and take control of everything in the nation through the regulatory and retaliatory bureaucracy. These are high stakes, and it would take a collection of saints to avoid temptation (and there are far more sociopaths in this class than saints). So they put some people in jail who shouldn't be there and release others who should be incarcerated, even when that seems detrimental to their political interest.

However, convicting the innocent while freeing the guilty displays their power and prepares their retainers for the harshers measures that will be inevitably called for. You see, their appetite grows with the eating, and they'll soon be short of food. Unfortunately, the rest of us will be starving (on account of the bad weather caused by Henry Ford providing cars to the workers, who should be kept in their place). I call this future end-state Feudalism with the Right People in Charge.

Thursday, September 21, 2023

The Gang of Qin Gang

 Chinese Economy: ‘Shocking’ New Reports | Qin Gang Update | Huawei & iPhone

This morning I educated myself on the latest goings-on in China -- which apparently involves a gang. I was eating my cereal and wiping a bit of milk from my chin when I heard about Chin, apparently the leader of the gang, and also something about a gong.

The Chin Gang made me think of the Gang of Four, who were a big deal when Mao left for his appointment in hell. How do I know they were a big deal? I heard of them. If I remember correctly, it involved Mao's widow -- a former cabaret singer -- plus some other guys grabbing for power. Now, a dying dictator's floozie wife wanting to take over is not unknown (think Evita! or Doctor Jill!). Unfortunately for the conspirators, minions who can watch millions starve under incompetent leadership are stirred to action when their own lunch is threatened. So the Gang of Four became the Grateful Dead (them not being the Grateful ones) instead of the Grand and Glorious Leaders.

Which brings us to that nefarious group, the Chin Gang. After dealing with my chin milk I listen.  It was about Qin Gang (pronounced tch-in g-uh-ng by the Mandarin-speaking, New Zealander show-off reporter).  So it was the g-uh-ng of Qin G-uh-ng? No, it's just a simple sex scandal -- only sex scandals are never simple (otherwise it wouldn't be a scandal). It happened in Washington DC!  Qin was China's ambassador to the USA whose mistress was a Chinese journalist! All our floozies are now journalists! Strippers should sue!

Qin gets such favorable coverage from under the covers that he returns to China and is promoted. Only sex scandal! FBI bugs are in the expensive sheets! His journalist babe had his baby -- an American baby (it's a club anyone can join). Qin disappears to spend more time with his family -- maybe in a prison camp, maybe in the cemetery: ask not for whom the g-uh-ng tolls, it tolls for Gang.

As for the Chinese Economy tanking, who cares?  Sex Scandal!

Saturday, July 22, 2023

Dead Secrets, Living Lessons

This first appeared fifteen years ago.

I often watch "Secrets of the Dead" on PBS. I like the program for what it reveals about Western Intellectuals. One episode speculated that the Christians burned down ancient Rome (Christians who were at the same time Jews), thus, in this rendition, clearing Emperor Nero of arson -- though he may have fiddled during the flames, no way to tell.

I first saw the episode that will reprise on Wednesday (Aztec Massacre) in April. It deals with the encounter of the Aztec Empire with "Cortes and the Conquistadors." It centers on captured Spaniards (including women) who were sacrificed along with some unruly subjects of the Aztecs.

The ritual involved skillfully ripping the heart out of a living human; lifting said heart up to the sky while it is still beating; tossing the heartless (and maybe headless, I forgot to take notes) body down a steep flight of steps; butchering said heartless/headless/discarded body.

Well, I thought we could all come together on this behavior and say "That is just wrong." Liberal and Conservative could finally agree -- Marxist Intellectual and capitalist Robber Baron as well.

OK, maybe we all know that one special "exception" to the rule where ripping out the heart might be understandable (though never condoned). But to do this by the thousands? At what point have you gone from a Civilization that has "a problem" to "A Problem" that has a civilization? I mean, talk about the church militant.

Gee, I lack nuance. First, the slaughter was done to keep the sun in the sky and the sun is still up there so they must have done a pretty good job. Plus, the Aztecs lacked beasts of burden and their subject people kinda filled that role. And what do you do with an ornery beast of burden? You turn him into a much-needed protein supplement -- and do it in a way to encourage "the others." So: Sun's in the sky. Maize is in the fields. Pyramid's gettin' built. Capital's kept clean. And all the Spaceships are solar-powered (sorry, that was Atlantis). Why, times were almost good.

Then Cortes shows up -- a combination entrepreneur and labor-organizing thug who's gonna steal your retirement. If only he weren't an entrepreneur but, alas!

At this point, the Aztec Priestly caste became the "resistance." What's the evidence they turned into minutemen? There were Spanish heads included in those skull racks -- along with the heads of their new-fangled horses (Listen, burden-carrying oppressed peoples, those ponies want your jobs).

Well, I concluded that one priestly caste (tenured academia) identifies strongly with another priestly caste. The Priests no doubt bathed more frequently than the on-the-make Spaniards. They were respectful of (their) learning and knew the value of a good protein supplement. They knew how to get additional sacrifices from their unwilling populations to keep their institutions up and running. They did not beg for grants, they just took that pound of flesh, only by the ton!

I, on the other hand, saw those Aztec intellectuals as bitter men clinging to their religion and razor-sharp obsidian ceremonial blades, all the while fearing change and blaming migrants for bringing "new ideas and new beliefs."

Meanwhile, with the help of a vicious pandemic, the Spaniards slipped into the role of the Aztecs. 

Those who rule in the present can have a certain regard for the problems the Aztec rulers faced. I mean, keeping the sun up in the sky is thirsty work. And as the sun gets closer, the globe gets hotter. That means more sacrifices to push it back up and keep things cool. And how do you get folks to willingly sacrifice (or unwillingly, when it comes down to it) to keep that grand project well-resourced?

Am I being unfair here? Let me think. Nah.