Thursday, April 9, 2009

Our Collective Future

Belmont Club » Doppelganger
The Pew Research underscored to degree to which the middle political ground is vanishing rapidly. “For all of his hopes about bipartisanship, Barack Obama has the most polarized early job approval ratings of any president in the past four decades. The 61-point partisan gap in opinions about Obama’s job performance is the result of a combination of high Democratic ratings for the president — 88% job approval among Democrats — and relatively low approval ratings among Republicans (27%).”
I view the United States as close to being a one party state, and that Party is the DC Power Party. They seek to centralize more power, not just in Washington DC but in the hands of a Credentialed Aristocracy. This Aristocracy is not yet hereditary, but it is headed that way. You notice the groups that are the biggest boosters of “Affirmative Action” don’t mind nepotism (think Hollywood and Politics). Those who rant the most about “conflicts of interest” don’t think the concept applies to them and their close family members. Andrea Mitchel married to the Fed Chairman? What could be wrong with that? And what is wrong with a Senator bequeathing his seat to his daughter or his son? Even affirmative action, in practice, favored the daughters of this emerging order over the sons of sharecroppers.

When President Obama speaks of bipartisanship, he speaks of uniting this Aristocratic group into a permanent governing class. Of course Republicans cannot totally go along because they represent the “pockets of resistance.” These are folks who see themselves firmly on the other side of the divide and whose children will be out of favor in the credential hunt. They would not object to an aristocracy of merit and accomplishment — which is attacked as greed and selfishness by the Credentialed, since this would give upper middle class kids a leg up (especially if the parents instill drive and ambition in their kids). Interestingly, they would have a leg up on the poor and working class kids but be a threat to the Patrician class, who would like to flow into power the way the river flows to the sea.

As long as this Aristocracy could acquire more power as a class, it could grow and welcome new members (in fact, offering membership was a tool for acquiring power). But now they are reaching their “limits to growth” and they will need to cement their leadership in place and pull up the drawbridge behind them.  President Obama hopes to sponsor one last great push for centralizing power, but after that the class cannot grow by acquiring more power since the limits of centralization will be reached. A situation of low growth and controlled growth nationally, administered from the center, will help the new class keep control — so society itself must reach its “limits to growth.”

In the latest economic crisis we find the relationships among the various actors obscured and the causes portrayed as beyond our understanding. More and more we will find that the actors in the various dramas are in some sense related. And being a part of the same Aristocratic Class will not be a reason for recusal. Why be a member of a select class and give up the advantages?

In this Credentialed State, a lot of power accrues to the gate keepers of entry into the Aristocratic class — those who will grant “The Patents of Nobility.” Demanding that the novice display Fidelity to the emerging order by signing on to some rather bizarre ideas makes a lot of sense: it shows they are willing to suppress their individuality in the service of the new class (early in the process this looks like a “counter culture” of free thinkers and then emerges as the autocratic PC of the narrow minded). Of course, you are expected to do more than mouth these ideas; you are expected to believe them.

What infuriates liberals (read progressives) are arguments that make these ideas look as nonsensical as they sometimes are. Hence the new cliche, “Shut up, they explained.”

Of course this noble class has international dimensions.  And given the "Obama bow" to King Saud, one has to wonder if he is, perhaps, the granter of the "Patent of Nobility" to President Obama. Is it possible?  Nah.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

I say to you King Saud, tear down this wall!

BBC NEWS | Europe | Obama pledges new US engagement
"We can't afford to talk past one another and focus only on our differences, or to let the walls of mistrust go up around us."

The president said part of that process involved giving people a better sense of the US and rejected the stereotype that his country was selfish and crass.

"I'm here to tell you that it's not the country I know and not the country I love," he added.
Now he tells us. But doesn't that sound a bit crass? In anycase, check the box marked "Islam."

Next stop in the Apology Tour is Latin America, where he will say: "We are not the Selfish and Crass imperialist I told you we are!"

How about Trust and Money?

BBC NEWS | South Asia | Pakistan calls for trust with US
Pakistan's leaders have told visiting US envoy Richard Holbrooke there must be trust between the nations as "nothing else will work".
Wait. Wait. Wait. OK, we can stop laughing now. Trust, but wait for the Terror Attacks. 

Well, if we get rid of our nukes they might get rid of theirs.  Trust but self delude.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

What's wrong with this statement?

BBC NEWS | South Asia | 'Deadly air strike' in Pakistan
A number of foreign militants were among those killed in the strike at 0300 local (2200 Friday), security officials said.

But a Taleban spokesman said all the dead were civilians.

If George Bush were still President, this is how it would read: A small number of foreign militants were thought to be attending a meeting at the house... according to security officials who requested to remain anonymous. Witnesses at the scene said all the dead were women and children preparing to attend a wedding.

The BBC goes on to inform us:
The drone attacks are said to be part of a new US strategy to eliminate the Taleban and al-Qaeda leadership who are reportedly operating from Pakistan's tribal region next to the border with Afghanistan, says the BBC's Shoaib Hasan in Islamabad.
There's an idea: Kill the leadership, not innocents. Why didn't President Bush think of that?

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Holy Cows ain't allowed on account of the Methane they produce.

Op-Ed Columnist - The Next Really Cool Thing -
But what if this time is different? What if a laser-powered fusion energy power plant that would have all the reliability of coal, without the carbon dioxide, all the cleanliness of wind and solar, without having to worry about the sun not shining or the wind not blowing, and all the scale of nuclear, without all the waste, was indeed just 10 years away or less? That would be a holy cow game-changer.

In the meantime we can build coal fire plants and develop our oil resources instead of letting the Democrats systematically sabotage our economy.  Why not?  In ten years we can start replacing these sources of energy with fusion.

What Progressives like about wind and solar power and electric vehicles is that they are costly.  This will keep a huge regulatory bureaucracy up in running to administer the preferences required to keep them going.  Progressives are attracted to "Solutions" that enhance their power and control.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

A Scam for our time.

I received a phone call offering me a good job. Natch I figured it was some sort of joke. In any case, after I hung up I googled the offer, just in case I had screwed my future.

FHA Home insurance processing work at home scam, make 38,000 a year - Google Search
Search Results
Be Cautious of FHA Job and Refund Offers — Mortgage Loan Place Blog
I received the same call with the possibility of 38000 per year. ... they were just another work at home scam…and certainly didnt seem right….a refund on an fha ... For only $69.00 you can make up to $38000 a year from home. ... me about a job paying $39000.00 per year; work from home processing FHA Refund Notices. ... - 38k - Cached - Similar pages
2. / 971-285-3130
2009-01-08 20:24:01 UTCFHA. The FHA says this is a scam .... a starting package for FHA refunds,can make up to $ 38000 a year. ... do business from your home processing Government refunds to Home Owners who have paid off their mortgage. ..... They claim to offer work at home employment for 38K per year if you pay ... - 64k - Cached - Similar pages
It troubles me that even the scam job offers I get are not that good. I'd feel better if I was offered a bit North of $250,000. It shows you how rough the economy is. A few years ago, they would have offered a couple hundred grand as part of a part time, work at home flipping houses scam. I got to wonder: why the cut in wages? It is not like they ever actually paid anyone.

That in Obama's America folks are now tempted by such meager sums is sobering.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Extreme Politics

Edge 219
In the modern world, science and society often interact in a perverse way. We live in a technological society, and technology causes political problems. The politicians and the public expect science to provide answers to the problems. Scientific experts are paid and encouraged to provide answers. The public does not have much use for a scientist who says, “Sorry, but we don’t know”. The public prefers to listen to scientists who give confident answers to questions and make confident predictions of what will happen as a result of human activities. So it happens that the experts who talk publicly about politically contentious questions tend to speak more clearly than they think.
I just watched Extreme Ice on Nova, in which "an acclaimed photographer teams up with scientists to document the runaway melting of arctic glaciers." The episode was half good (and all bad) at explaining the science of glacier melting (if I may call it that). However, it excelled at illustrating the wisdom of the above quote by Freeman Dyson. The show was a saturated in, and ruined by, the politics of global warming. It was full of scientist "who speak more clearly than they think." That's the way they were presented by Nova. In a one hour show, I heard one guy speak of his "hypothesis" (that warm ocean water was speeding the "calving" of icebergs from glaciers), and, though he sounded mighty sure of himself, he at least used a word that acknowledged the possibility of error. The others, as presented, barely gave a nod toward "doubt."

Freman Dyson went on to write,
"As a scientist I do not have much faith in predictions." Well, this show was chalk full of predictions, from the ridiculous to the sublime, extending out a hundred years and beyond. If you believe this show, we really need President Obama to sweep back the Oceans rising waters.

I said the program was half good and all bad at explaining the science, and perhaps I should explain what I mean. They often used the phrase "the last thirty years" when discussing the time frame of the "runaway melting." This period corresponds roughly with the end of the last "solar minimum," when the sun produces less warming rays, and the run up to the latest "solar maximum" -- when the sun produces relatively more. From about 60 to 80 percent of the increased warming during that period was likely caused by the activity of the sun, not the activity of man. And yet this was never mentioned on the program. To not address the effects of sunlight on a large body of ice -- to not treat it as a variable -- is bizarre. So no matter how good the science was on that program, it was all bad because it left the untidy bits out -- even the untidy data mountains.

These folks want us to spend 45 trillion dollars over the next fifty years or so and their approach would make hell's most vile use car salesman blush.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

A Song for All Time.

I started work on a production number for Belmont Club (The Musical), inspired by this post from Wretchard, The pits (the song, with a bit of opening dialog, follow):
Comments in some of the most recent Belmont Club posts have been haunted by what Scott Johnson and Victor Davis Hanson have called depression. No longer do people put forward solutions as much as despair of solutions until the prevailing conditions change or the national mood shifts. Afghanistan? Well it’s no good discussing it until someone serious is in office. The economy? We’re all doomed so let’s just measure the rate of our decline...

What probably keeps the world from being hijacked by the melancholy of intellectuals are its ordinary people. The world’s sanity is upheld by people who haven’t watched the movies and haven’t attended Harvard. The BBC reported a survey showed that Nigerians were the happiest people in the world.
I am not depressed nor do I feel despair. What is my secret? I just whistle. Whistle? Yes, whistle.

Just whistle while you walk
Do-dee do, do, do, do, do!
Just whistle while you walk,
Pass the graveyard.
(Pass the graveyard)

Should you find you're in despair
Because you're totally aware.
Go ahead, just deny.
Live life on the fly and whistle
Pass the graveyard.

If you find you’re feeling blue
’cause work no longer needs you.
After you’re laid off
Just whistle as you walk!
Pass the graveyard.

If you were a Nigerian
You’d be happy just to own a hen.
And when the militias came
if you weren’t the ball in some game.
At the graveyard.
(In the graveyard)

If there’s a planetary war
And you’re terrified to the core.
Just put on your boots and do skidoot
And whistle! Yes Whistle.
Passed the graveyard!

They say VX is a gas
And it will really kill you fast.
Don’t argue it ain't fair
Just spit out your cares...

Lay your cards on the table
And whistle (if you're able)...


Say you're dead and just don't know!
Then continue with the flow.
And Go!
Past, the Graveyard!
(Get Past, the Graveyard)
(Done with Rockette style kicks)
Turn your Depression upside down
Wear a smile, hardly ever frown!
Do as we do and whoop-we-doo
And whistle! Yes, whistle.
Past the graveyard.

Do-dee Doo-doo do!

I'm thinking this could be a duet between a Basso profundo and an Alto, tremble-a-lot oh, my. It should be sung to the tune of, well, ah, Stairway to Heaven.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Who wants to buy a Toxic Asset!

Pajamas Media » Geithner Bank Plan: A ‘Third Way’

I left the following as a comment to the above article.
I think they should turn it into a game show: Who Wants to Buy a Toxic Asset.

You show up with a bundle of “toxic” assets and it is valued by, say, ten groups of money men who are fronted by sexy models. But the first step is “Government roulette.” A wheel is spun, and purely by chance the government will offer you anything from 10 cents on the dollar to, say, 60 cents on the dollar (about a hundred to one shot for the high amount).

If you refuse the government offer, you then get to choose among the boxes that contain the offer of the various money men. You open the first three boxes at random. You get to choose the highest bid. If you open the next five, you get to choose the second highest bid but it is bought by the highest bidder. If you open the next two, you get the highest bid and the highest bidder buys it. But once you decide there, is no going back.

You might need the contestant to spin the wheel a few more times, and have cheering Wall Street types shouting advice. You know, to help the ratings.
My comment is awaiting moderation, and the moderator may be a moderate and decide not to post it so I put it here. The article explains why the Geithner plan might "actually work."
My plan definitely will work.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Setting the Record Straight

The Death of Catherine the Great
The Myths:
1. Catherine was crushed to death by a horse whilst attempting to have sex with it (usually the collapse of a harness/lifting mechanism is blamed).
2. Catherine died on the toilet.

The Truth (1):
Catherine died in bed of illness; there were no equines involved and a Catherine/horse nexus was never attempted.
I was once told the horse, harness, hoist and collapsing scaffolding story by a person with a graduate degree in European history. I did voice skepticism at the time. But it is a good story and just in case I ever passed it on I want to set the record straight here: Catherine the Great died while having sex with a horse. I mean didn't die. Having sex. With a horse.

The Vanity Fairness Doctrine

According to Michael Wolff, Barack Obama Is a Terrible...Bore
What happens when you move into the White House?

Well, shit, of course. The true secret of the power of language is in quickness. Barack Obama can’t keep up. He evidently needs too much preparation. And then there’s the organization. He’s undoubtedly got too many people debating what he should say. That’s the other secret of language: You’ve got to just go for it. Can’t think too much about it. It’s like hitting the ball. And then there’s knowing who you want to be—which is different than knowing who you are. You’re on the stage. You’re acting. You’ve got to make yourself believable, cleverly make yourself up as you go along.

This guy is leaden and this show is in trouble.
Yes, Michael, but what is it that he is actually doing that you don't like? I gather it ain't the dumb things he is doing, it is the fact that he sounds dumb when he talks about the dumb things he's doing.

As for his present presentation, President Obama showed all the qualities you now abhor during The Campaign, astute observer person.

Mr. Wolff is a contributing Editor to Vanity Fair. I wonder who he supported in the fall?

Rifling through the archives, I stumbled across what he said about Sarah Palin just before the election:

Sarah Palin, bedeviling her handlers, isn't the nail in the heart of the McCain campaign as much as she is the creation of a new American personality.

Her failure is a huge success. There is enormous upside in finding yourself a national joke. Ridicule converts easily to affection.
If Michael keeps ridiculing Obama, I will develop a true affection for the guy. The only question is: Which guy?

Friday, March 20, 2009

Taking the Pressure off Tehran

BBC NEWS | Americas | Obama offers Iran 'new beginning'
US President Barack Obama has offered "a new beginning" of engagement with Tehran in an unprecedented direct video message to the Iranian people...

In it, President Obama said he wanted "to speak directly to the people and leaders of the Islamic Republic of Iran".
So President Obama is now engaged with the Mullahs. When will the marriage take Place? Obama's dowry: more or less telling the Iranian people he will not support a revolution against their newly legitimized government -- about the only thing that government really fears. Bonus item: the always rickety sanctions regime will collapse well before the marriage is consummated. And the Mullahs will abuse their lovely spouse and cheat -- and when he finds out he won't like it!

If his policy is to get the Russians to play the heavy with Tehran while the "O" makes nice, I don't see it working.

This engagement with the Mullahs also announces that a bunch of naive punks are going to engage in Middle East "realpolitik" and make nice-nice to all the local toughs. America, prepare to have your lunch money stolen and your nose bloodied.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Think Sink

Obama: Economic crisis 'not as bad as we think'
"And my long-term projections are highly optimistic, if we take care of some of these long-term structural problems."
What Mr. Obama is saying here is that he has to put the structural problems, such as socialized health care, in place before he can take care of them. But he will also have to hire the bureaucrats to care for the structural problems. Think of "Affordable housing." The Democrats created the structural problem, cared for it, kept it on life support and dialysis and even now won't let it die. They now got it to the point where you can't afford your house, but the people who don't have to pay their mortgages can -- now that it is worth half what you paid for it.

Before the structural problem could get that acute it required a lot of care and feeding by Congressional Democrats. But that structural problem should not be worried. Its "care givers" will still be at work when everyone else is laid off.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Thought Thaw Needed

BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | Earth warming faster than thought

Easy to believe the headline: their thoughts are frozen in place. "Give us power or give us a better retirement package! In fact give us both."

This from the Danish PM, Foghorn Leghorn Rasmussen: "Business as usual is dead - green growth is the answer to both our climate and economic problems."

Actually, they murdered business in a regulatory killing spree.  Government as usual, however, is bigger and better -- make that bigger and bigger -- than ever.  And ever is mighty big.

Don't worry, once the bureaucrats take over the world economy everything will be hunky-dory. For them.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Stoner Econ 101

Belmont Club » Eve of Destruction 2
The financial systems reached the limits of its information span last year by walking off a cliff they didn’t see. And the trick is to see the next cliff. What steps will create more information out of the data instead of more walls, more partitions, more black boxes?
Applying the basic tenets of Stoner Economics might help us understand the financial crisis, and our response to it.

a) In stoner economics, lenders owe borrowers.

For instance, you are in a bar and a friend borrows twenty dollars. No sooner does he borrow the bucks than he acts like you owed him the money. Let's say you put in the effort to get the twenty back. Now he’s shown he’s “good for it,” so you owe him forty — the twenty you always owed him and the twenty he just gave you. So later on you “lend” him the forty. Only now you are short on cash, so naturally you borrow twenty from another friend so you can have someone who owes you. But he was a little short so he borrowed twenty from the guy you just lent the forty to. Meanwhile, you’ve opened up a tab at the bar and bought everyone drinks. In the end, only the bar actually gets paid. By you, of course.

In the case of money market funds, you should add seven or eight zeros to the above amounts.

When you are asked to pay your neighbor's mortgage or to help finance the next bailout, remember: Lenders owe borrowers.

b) In stoner economics the sum of all transactions is always less than zero.

Say you have some dope, and you have some money, and you want to get high. So you smoke the dope and you get high. Later, you want to get high, you don’t have any dope but you do have some money. So you buy some dope and you get high. Later, you want to get high but you don’t have any dope and you don’t have any money. So you borrow some money, you buy some dope, and you get high. Later, you want to get high, but you don’t have dope, you don’t have money and you are in debt. So you don’t pay your rent and you buy some dope and you get high. Later, you want to get high. But you don’t have dope, you don’t have money, you owe money, and you haven’t paid your rent. So you hit up your grandmother, who is a little forgetful but can still sign a check.

We have now reached the final stage, but we cannot hit up our grandma for her past thrift (we kinda maybe already spent that) but we can hit up our grandkids — trade on their future labor, you might say.

But why were the sums in the example less than zero? After all, the dope was always bought. But the stoner is not doing what the squares used to call “useful work.” He is hustling to get high. And the money goes into the drug market, where maybe it hires mules and stuff but is generally not productive for the entire economy. So it all adds up to less than Zero. Not only is the money misspent, but so is a lot of the time and effort connected to it.

An economic bubble also encourages a lot of wasted time and effort. When the bubble deflates, it all goes up in smoke.

Basically, an investment should produce a return and in a bubble the returns are imaginary.

c) One of my pet peeves about President Obama is his use of the word “investing” to replace “spending.” So we invest in giving his voters raises and whatnot.

But I now realize he is using basic Stoner Economics. In Stoner Economics:

-Spending that makes you feel good is an investment.
-That in which you invest, you quickly consume.
-The bigger the investment, the quicker the consumption.
-The “Investors” who provide the “Capital to feel good” were often unwilling providers of funds (they was robbed).
-Those involved in the investment can take a hit (share the joy).
-Everyone is responsible for their own bad trip (so don't worry about unintended consequences).

I’m looking for the mathematical model I developed for Stoner Economics. I got it around here somewhere. I hope I find it. I couldn't repeat the intellectual exercise (hell, I might not even survive it).

Someone tell him Bush is no longer President.

Europe Snubs US Calls for Further Spending - Economy * Europe * News * Story -
Jean-Claude Juncker, chairman of a meeting of euro zone finance ministers, rejected the notion that European governments' fiscal policy was not aggressive enough.

"The 16 finance ministers agreed that recent American appeals insisting Europeans make an added budgetary effort were not to our liking, given that we are not prepared to go further in the recovery packages we have put forward," he told reporters in Brussels after ministers held regular talks.

Not to their liking indeed!

Is Syria Involved?

BBC NEWS | Middle East | 'Dozens dead' in Baghdad bombing
At least 33 people, including a local army chief, have died and 46 have been injured in a suicide attack on the western edge of Baghdad, officials say.

Syria sponsors many a car bomb in Lebanon. Keeping Iraq in turmoil could serve them well. Plus, they would want to take out the competition to their own guys.

"Talking" to Syria is like giving them a license to do no good. It wouldn't surprise me if they reverted to form.

Monday, March 9, 2009

What you missed was everything before the election. / Columnists / Clive Crook - Why Obama’s left leaning is no tactical feint
If Mr Obama were a centrist he would be positioning himself to the right of the congressional Democrats, with a plan to be walked back in their direction. In fact, his budget has delighted the left of his party. Far from pulling him to the centre, most Democrats will resist that move if he tries. Or am I missing something?

That's how Mr. Cook ended the article. He began it with this:

On this page last week I argued that Barack Obama’s first budget showed him to be more of a left-leaning liberal than I and many others – sceptics and admirers alike – had previously supposed.

Everything we knew about President Obama before the election told us that he was quite liberal and perhaps a Marxist as well. It was his policy to lose the Iraq war, for Pete's sake. Come on Clive, pay attention. Everything he's doing now he said he would do. Oh, there were some obvious lies (see everything about clean coal and oil drilling). But Clive, are you delusional? Well, you say you welcome "cap and trade" so I guess you are.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Hope Preserved

I originally posted this story one year ago, when our current President was first making a big splash. I think it holds up rather well.

First, for those unfamiliar with the Great Depression, I will explain some of the references in the story:

  • The "New Deal" refers to a collection of Federal Programs enacted during the Administration of Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR) in response to the Great Depression of the 1930's. Before the New Deal the Federal Government was in charge of National Security and coining the money. After the New Deal the Feds are basically in charge of whatever they want to be in charge of.
  • Harold Ickes was one of the chief architects of the New Deal. His son worked for the Clintons and George Soros financed 547 political groups.
  • The New Deal created a "Alphabet Soup" of new agencies. The WPA (Works Progress Administration), the NRA (National Recovery Administration), and the CCC (Civilian Conservation Corps) -- to name but a few.
  • The TVA (Tennessee Valley Authority) built dams and power generators over a multi state region. In 1964 Barry Goldwater, the Republican candidate, called for its privatization and lost 44 states.
  • Shangri-la is the magical Himalayan Utopia in the novel "Lost Horizons." It is not a real place so do not mount an anthropological expedition to go study the residents. FDR cited it as the secret base from which the Doolittle bombing raid on Tokyo was launched. He lied.
  • Rod Axle is based on a real person but not the one you're thinking of. No, not him (her?) either.


Boys and girls, once upon a time there was a celebrated political hack and manipulative genius by the name of Rod Axle. Despite what you may have heard, a professional political hack is not necessarily a bad person. Narrow minded people use to believe this, but we now recognize the many great and varied contributions Political Hacks have made to our society: the current state of our politics comes readily to mind.

One day Rod Axle meets a handsome, well spoken fellow that he thinks will make a wonderful "canned" Candidate for President. He is a newly elected Senator by the name of Audacious Hope: known nationally as "Otto" Hope, the man for whom hope is both "Otto-matic" and "Otto-magic." He is the son of disgruntled immigrants. His parents moved here from Shangri-la and were always a bit disappointed in their new home -- it rains at inconvenient times, for instance, and people grow old and die. But they concealed their dissatisfaction from their son, who grew up well adjusted, considering.

Rod Axle loves his new candidate because when Otto fronts the crowd he doesn't get his lines tangled. When he calls for a "yes we can, A-Merry-Can, Revolution!" the crowds go wild. Grown men faint, often onto the grown women who fainted just before them (this is not a new form of sex, by the way, just an old position).

Senator Hope is not confused by the many levers Axle must employ on the voters. That is because Otto is no dummy. And he certainly has no desire to be a puppet on a string.

Otto Hope wonders where Rod Axle is getting all this premium canned cant that Otto daily feeds the crowds. At the same time, he does not want to be too dependent on any one manipulative political hack, no matter how genius that hack is or how much the nation owes him -- another form of national debt.

So one night he follows Rod Axle in an attempt to find the source of his cant. Rod Axle drives a heavy duty truck to a secret complex of subterranean tunnels that date from the mystic days of FDR -- The New Deal Bunkers where The New Deal Bunk is stored. At the loading dock, crates of well aged Bunkum are loaded onto Rod Axle's truck.

While they are so occupied, Audacious Hope sneaks into the complex. Fortunately for him, it is guarded by the Department of Homeland Security. Inside, he finds a huge warehouse with many large crates stacked to the ceiling. He follows footprints through the dust. The path leads to The Harold Ickes Memorial Bureaucratic Maze. Above the entrance is written this admonition "Abandon All Hope, You Who Enter Here!" Otto assumes this does not apply to him, since he brings hope with him wherever he goes. In fact, this would be the perfect place to spread hope around. So he enters without reading the rhyming couplet on the bronze plaque: "Oh what a tangled web we create!" the gold plated letters read, "When e'er we seek to regulate!"

The halls of the maze are clean but devoid of life -- 5:00 PM has come and gone. The mauve walls have the same landscape painting hung at each five meter interval: horse country shrouded in mist. The floor is carpeted and padded. Still, you must tread the halls carefully, for if you make a wrong turn in this labyrinth you might be lost permanent. You'll need a posse of lobbyist and hordes of special interest pleaders to come find you. Step into one of the many traps or slip into a cubicle of horrors and you might be forced to take a position, in fact the very position you most fear. Or you could step through a tax loophole and have it close behind you. But all Audacious Hope need do is follow a trail of crumbs that charts a course down the many corridors.

Occasionally he would pass a waiting room where periodicals from previous centuries were spread on the benches. In one such room a skeleton slumps in the corner. In its left hand it grasps a "Saturday Evening Post" in its bony fingers. In the right it holds a "wait your turn" card with a twelve digit number. Otto sees there are now only 345,682 to go for "dried bones." The skeleton is covered in cobwebs but the other surfaces have recently been dusted. Obviously, the cleaning crew is considerate and does not disturb "he who waits his turn," even to dust him.

The crumb trail leads down the corridor of power, where the steam pipes and electric cables run. Behind him Otto hears the sound of a dozen vacuum cleaners switch on. He checks his watch. It is 9 PM and the cleaners have arrived. Since they are undocumented workers, they have easy access to every part of the complex. Senator Hope realizes with a shock the workers will "suck it up" as they always do -- the crumb trail that leads out. Now there's no turning back.

At the end of the corridor he sees a large, mechanical monstrosity. The sight of it fills him with dread. He approaches it slowly. It hisses hot steam and gives an occasional chug, like a worn out "massive engine that could." Yes, it is at rest; asleep. But it is not to be wakened and played with. It is the Democratic Machine, with its many levers and fly wheels and clashing special interest and balancing gyroscopes which can point the machine in every direction at once while it pins down every position. And it also has fingers -- a finger to put in every pie. And it has a pry for every prize. Yes, he could easily turn the machine on. But then he'd have to feed the slot with money and favors and keep on feeding forever. Otherwise the machine will turn on him. And the fingers for the pies will poke him in the eyes. So Senator Hope tip-toes by.

As he tip-toes, movement in the shadows startles him. With relief he realizes it is the harmless, undocumented workers. They move about with so much stealth they are all but invisible. He hopes to cure that -- to bring them into the sunlight. But he realizes a Senator does not belong in the bureaucratic maze and he must reach his destination before he can help them. Until then, they can help themselves.

He looks for a way out. He sees a door with a hand print on it -- Rod Axle's hand print. That, he feels, is the way to go. It leads into "The Fair Trade Hall of Mirrors."

He steps through the door and enters a room that instantly fills with Audacious Hope, the way he imagines rooms do when he enters. Here thousands of the Audacious stare back at him. They reflect on him. They move as he moves. They act as one with him. As he reaches out to them, they reach out to him -- and to each other. And he knows they think as he thinks and feel as he feels. Otto realizes he is on top of himself. He sees he is beside himself. But suddenly he feels he is by himself, even as he crowds about himself.

He's anxious, desperate -- until he notices a slight imperfection -- a smudge on one of the mirrors; a faint finger print. He faces himself and pushes the mirror. It opens and he steps into another room that instantly overflows with Hope. He sees another smudge. He pushes the mirror and steps through it. Again it is the same -- he repeats -- again it is the same -- he repeats -- again it is the same -- he repeats -- again it is the same. On through the rooms of mirrors he moves, dragging a crowd of Hope with him. And then he stops. He notices something new: The slight whiff of glass cleaner.

In a panic he realizes the cleaning crew removes the smudges on the mirrors, the smudges that guide him! He could be trapped forever, surrounded by nothing but Audacious Hope, wandering amidst confusion and illusion. Quickly he pushes on, following the smudges, ignoring hope and seeking exit.

Oh, the relief when he pushes through the final mirror and steps into the bleak, subbasement lobby with the artificial palm trees and flickering neon light. There he finds the "Taxes and Trade Barriers Up" elevator -- a direct way out but with a catch, of course. He spots it immediately. To get taxes and trade barriers up, you must press the big red "economy down" button -- press it deep into the depression that goes below even the subbasement. He is relieved. If his situation turns desperate, he now knows a way out -- but only if he is forced to take it, of course.

He looks about and sees the entrance to The Chamber of New Deal Left Overs -- the very place he seeks. Surely it is an Aladdin's cave of hope and wonder. And a new way out. He enters.

The room is unimpressive -- plain and disappointing, in truth. Otto sees a shelf where the stock is drawn down. It is labeled "Civilian Conservation Corps/Youth Work Camps." He says to himself, "Rod Axle has reached for these cans of cant often." He picks up one of the remainders, which resembles a container of shaving foam. He shakes it. He pushes the button. He is impressed by what squirts out. "Still dispenses good, sweet smelling, meaningless lather -- and at not too great a cost!"

He sees the shelf of "Price Freeze" has recently emptied -- apparently all campaigns have drawn that one down. He notices a container the size of a dusty old can of institutional shredded salt pork. He picks it up. He likes the heft. "The contents seem substantial," he says. He brushes the dust off. "Why, it's Socialized Medicine!"

He reads the side of the can. "To open, complain incessantly about the high price of Alka-Seltzer. Demand that everyone with a Sexually Transmitted Disease have access to treatment with Mercury." He pauses. "Mercury?" He reads on, "Lower the price of Sulfur drugs, and ration!" Otto shakes his head. He puts the can back on the shelf. "Good thing we didn't socialize medicine in 1930's."

He spots an item on another shelf. "Ah, here we are! Rhetoric!" He picks up a can. It's incredibly light. He shakes it. All that issues forth is the sound of a few dried peas knocking about. "I hope no one trades his pig for this can. I think the Rhetoric is empty. Devoid of content. There is even less here than meets the ear."

What he next sees fills him with excitement. "Ah, there it is!" He approaches a large door that says "New Deal Cheese." He brushes away some cobwebs. He opens it. He barely looks in when he shouts "Oh my God!" and slams it shut. What he saw nearly gave him a heart attack. He quickly bars the door, muttering "the horror, the horror" as he does.

He steps away, hoping whatever happens in there stays in there, and bumps into a barrel. It looks like a huge wine cast with a cork stopper sticking out of it. The cast is labeled: Vintage Alphabet Stew. Below it a caution reads: "Significant Cant! Do not Decant until Prepared."

"Hmm," says Otto. "Alphabet stew. To feed the homeless? Must be piping hot stew, perfect for our children on a cold winter's day. Nutritious, I'll bet. I wonder what it tastes like? Delicious, I'm sure! But the sign says not to open until prepared. Well, it's been here so long it most be prepared by now. " He picks up a mallet that's by the barrel. "Should I," he says to himself, as he feels the weight of the mallet, "Should I decant the Alphabet stew?" He prepares to swing. But he stops. He thinks. He says, "But what if it refers to the candidate 'being prepared.' What if it means: Do not Decant if the Candidate can't!"

He considers this for a moment. "But I am prepared. I tell the crowds every day. And they believe. They believe that Senator Audacious Hope can. They believe I can Decant. Yes I can. I can Decant the canned cant! I can! I can! I can!" He works himself into a frenzy as he chants the magic words "I can!" And he swings the mallet and whacks off the cork stopper. And the stopper pops off the top.

And nothing happens. Except for a few bubbles that come out. And a little liquid. But the liquid seems to thicken and stiffen in the air. Audacious Hope examines it. He sticks three fingers into it. He twirls his fingers about a bit. And as he does he hears a low deep rumble from within, which grows louder and begins to vibrate the barrel. He pulls his finger away but Lo! The liquid clings to his hand like rubber cement. He pulls and it stretches. He pulls some more and it pulls back. The harder he pulls, the harder it pulls. And the barrel spits out the liquid, and the liquid stiffens. The barrel rumbles. And the barrel vibrates. And the barrel rocks back and forth.

And Otto Hope pulls himself toward the door. With all his might and all his energy and all his being he pulls himself away. Suddenly, the rubber-like strand snaps, and Otto tumbles into the doorway. He jumps to his feet just as the barrel explodes! He turns to flee into the Hall of Mirrors and into the Harold Ickes Amazing Maze that lies beyond but behold! Strands of red tape explode from the barrel and grab his legs and pull them out from under him. But still, yes he can! He can crawl toward the big red "Economy Down" button to turn on the "Taxes and Trade Barriers Up" Elevator. He can escape. He reaches for it. He smacks the floor just short of it. He rolls a potted plant over it. He struggles with all his strengthen to depress the economy down button -- to shove it into the depression. If only the red tape allows and surely it will! One more determined push it takes! One more he struggles to make!

The tape pulls him back. He uses his pocket knife to cut it, to free himself. But faster than he can cut, the tape ensnarls! He tries to deal with the Alphabet Stew. Hope screams, "Slash the DoD! Increase the H.U.D! Cut the N.S.A. Raise the F.I.C.A! Broaden the F.I.S.A. Sell the TVA!" He thought he was bargaining with fate. But when he mentioned selling the TVA, a thick strand of tape lashed around his neck like a bull whip and squeezed his throat.

"No, no," Otto croaks, "invest in the TVA! Invest in the TVA! Fully fund W.I.C! Fully fund, you fools! Fully Fund!" The tape pulls his body in, back toward the coagulating lard he loosed from the barrel. In his desperation Audacious Hope called out, "Subsidize mohair! Build bridges to nowhere!" He whimpers and struggles. "Nurse every child. Preserve every wild. Close every prison. Save every pigeon." But still the tentacles of tape drew him in. And his legs were sucked into the lard. "Milk every cow!" he crowed. But still it drew him in. Up to his waist! "Milk the rich!" he screamed. But still it sucked him in -- up to his shoulders. Then he shouted, "Milk every taxpayer!" But up to his chinny-chin-chin, he's in! And his last words are, "Every person. Milk every person!" But by then he was -- and is and ever shall be -- one with the lard.

He had come to that point too late. For the alphabet stew knew there are other candidates to be had. Even more willing, they would be, when they saw Audacious Hope consumed and canned in amber. They will come and look. Call it art and label it "Hope Sprung Eternal." They will see him frozen, looking as if he were about to laugh or maybe cry. But do not put it on public display! Once a month clean and polish the amber, to provide a clear view: for the elect and for the appointed and for the anointed -- but by appointment only.

Let us spare a moment to wonder: did Audacious Hope get to depress the big red Economy Down Button? Depress it into the subbasement floor's deep depression? Is the "Taxes and Trade Barriers Up" elevator headed for the highest floors? We must yet wonder: What did audacity come to in the end? What was its purpose and purchase?

The moral of this story, boys and girls: The government can indeed preserve Hope -- in amber. And there Hope will never grow old. And Hope will never die, though it will certainly never live. And Hope will never experience the rain. This, boys and girls, can be arranged.


Wednesday, March 4, 2009

They Like His Face

Peter Daou: Why on Earth Are Democrats Legitimizing and Empowering Rush Limbaugh?
I don't buy into this 'brilliant' strategy of elevating Rush Limbaugh in the hopes that it will tarnish Republicans.

Focus relentlessly on the disastrous Bush presidency to tarnish Republicans, yes.

Overturn every single illegal and unconstitutional Bush-era policy and show the country and the world that we're reclaiming the moral high ground, yes.

Implement bold strategies and use soaring rhetoric to inspire Americans, yes.

Hew fiercely to Democratic principles, reassert the greatness of our American identity, demonstrate the true meaning of liberalism, of progressivism, providing opportunity, seeking justice and fairness, helping those in need, yes.

Spend our resources healing the sick, feeding the hungry, lifting the poor, cleaning the planet, rather than on war and more war, yes.

But expand Rush Limbaugh's profile and platform? No.
Whose resources are they spending again? Oh. Right. Our resources.

The White House politicos want their electorate to think of Republicans as "well-to-do old white guys that don't give a rat's ass what happens to you" -- which is their view of Rush Limbaugh. Of course they would like to do this while getting Rush off the air before he gets, and keeps, another five million listeners.

Another problem: the image of old white guys might improve considerably in the near future. And Democrats not only care what happens to you, they'll tax the good stuff and cause a lot of the bad.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Irony becomes Ironic

Belmont Club » “A crisis of globalization”
It is supremely ironical that the response of some liberal ideologues is to simply to take the axe to what others regard as the safest tree in the forest.
I'm convinced that Irony is dead. It was taken out by the bullet meant for God. Instead, irony got plugged right between the "I" and the "Y". Oh, Irony is still allowed to operate in small and discrete matters -- it's the free ride when you've already paid, they say. But that future "free ride" for which you pay and pay and pay, but in the end ain't free and ain't even a ride? Where the whole outing turns into a long hike to a labor camp? That's an unintended consequence.

There is an Irony at the center of the Free Enterprise system: that people peacefully seeking a better life for themselves help produce a better life for everyone in society. There is an Irony at the center of Socialism: That smart, talented people who acquire power to use for the betterment of Society end up spreading misery. Now both these outcomes should be commonplace observations by now -- like the sun rising in the east and setting in the west. The only reason the results are ironic is we have to forget the last time it happened -- because the knowledge must be suppressed to allow the Social Welfare state to expand. So instead of being a literary construct, Irony, seemingly safely entombed in its mausoleum, has become a world historical force. I mean, ain't it ironic?

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Blame and Borrow Obama

Of course the media Pundits won't tell, but President Obama was quite ungracious in his speech tonight. He takes all the credit for a trillion dollars worth of wonderful spending that is in "The deficit we inherited." Apparently, if it weren't for George Bush's foresight, President Obama could not fix every problem in sight (and a lot of problems that you can't even see). Of course the Democrats were running Congress, which appropriates the money, when the deficit was created and Obama pretty much doubled it, so they inherited it from themselves.

The G.I. Bill got a big applause, as did graduating from high school (which is now a Patriotic Duty). A rather protectionist passage got big applause, while they sat on their hands when he mentioned the benefits of trade. He said the US invented the automobile: Karl Benz is now an American. That's the kind of history screw up that would have gotten Bush in trouble and got every German complaining in unison.

I'd give the speech a c+.

Personally, I think it was the influence of Andrea Mitchell.

Asia Times Online :: Asian news and current affairs
In reality, the economic problems of the Chinese are - as are the problems of all exporting nations around the world...the result of the loathsome Alan Greenspan creating all the unholy mountains of excess money and credit when he was chairman of the American Federal Reserve from 1987 to 2006, which he infamously did to finance The Greatest Sin Of All (TGSOA), which is to allow the monstrous enlargement of government and to pay for huge increases in government programs, and for which Greenspan deserves to die in prison, alone, sick, vomiting up blood and hearing my voice ringing in his ears, "Suffer, you miserable bastard, as you have made so, so many billions of people suffer by your insane expansions of the money supply!"

And how did the horrid Alan Greenspan do all of that? Easy! His creating all that money and credit meant that all those trillions of new Treasury-debt dollars originally sprang into being as loans to the government, which it spent, and from there the dollars eventually went to pay for a trade deficit that ranges around US$800 billion Per Freaking Year (PFY)!

This meant that all those other countries had the trade surpluses that equalled our trade deficits, and all of those new dollars pouring into their countries necessitated similar monetary stupidity in those other countries, hurriedly creating more money to soak up those new dollars piling up in their banking system, increasing their money supplies in lockstep with us, lest their own currencies gain strength against the dollar and thus effectively raise prices to us, their huge, and essentially only, customer! Horrors! Hahahaha! We're all freaking morons!
In 1997 Alan Greenspan married Andrea Mitchell and came into frequent contact Katie Couric (Today's yesterday host) and the whole NBC news team. Before 1997, Alan Greenspan spoke of irrational exuberance in the stock market. After 1997, he became irrationally exuberant himself. This is what happens to a very smart guy who comes into Continuous Close Contact with a TV News Division (and one of their special op's people). Normal folk, who just watch them on the big screen (we've been undergoing screen inflation), will just become irrational.

Monday, February 23, 2009

A Flash from the Past

BBC NEWS | Middle East | Israel-Hamas arms embargo urged
Amnesty International has called for a freeze on arms sales to Israel and Palestinian groups such as Hamas following the recent Gaza conflict.
In 1940, when Stalin's Soviet Union was still aligned with Hitler, the Communist and their front organizations in the US supported the Neutrality Laws which prevented arms sales to both sides. From the Wikis:
The legacy of the Neutrality Acts in the 1930s was widely regarded as having been generally negative: they made no distinction between aggressor and victim, treating both equally as "belligerents"; and they limited the US government's ability to aid Britain against Nazi Germany. The acts were largely repealed in 1941, in the face of German submarine attacks and the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.

Meanwhile, Hitler was getting war material from Stalin. The fact that Hitler betrayed Stalin (before Stalin could betray him) no doubt helped turn opinion on the left.

The goal here is to make it harder for Isreal to defend itself. Hamas will continue to get all the arms it needs. Is the PLO a group like Hamas? The article does not say. They do terror, too, don't they?

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Squander Taxes? Investor Goodwill? Why not! But beware the Tut-tut from Tutu.

BBC NEWS | Americas | Tutu urges Obama apology on Iraq
Archbishop Desmond Tutu has warned Barack Obama of the risk of squandering the goodwill he says the US president's election has generated.

In an article for BBC News, he says it would be "wonderful" if Mr Obama apologised for the invasion of Iraq.

Why don't he just issue a blanket apology? In fact, make it a quilt. We can do "an apology quilt" on the mall. We'll have a patch for everyone we've offended -- all six billion of them (lately we've even been offending me, which is hard to do!).

Keep your rights close. Keep your human rights lawyer even closer.

BBC NEWS | South Asia | 'No US rights' for Bagram inmates
The move has disappointed human rights lawyers who had hoped the Obama administration would take a different line to that of George W Bush.
So now we can send the Gitmo bad-boys to Bagram. Maybe put the plane on autopilot and have it crash into the mountainside. Oops. See, the autopilot never learned how to land. Said it didn't need to know. "Just show me how to fly into a mountain," is what it said. This autopilot was acting strange, but its lawyer wouldn't let us ground it. Sorry. 

And those US rights?  They're there for us, just like it says.

That's the Chicago way.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Enough of this Kabuki Krap.

BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | Clinton urges N Korean dialogue
Hillary Clinton has warned North Korea relations with the US will not improve until it engages in dialogue with South Korea and ends its nuclear ambitions.
I would do more than urge dial-a-ogue. I would write it. I would have North Korea say: "I end my nuclear ambitions." I would then have them say, "I will now make nice-nice to South Korea!" And then I would give them a trillion dollars (trillion being the new billion). In this way I would get the six-pack party talks back on track. We'll have better beer that's less bitter and no more whine! Instead of plain pretzels in our logic I would use cheese stuffed Combos. And tell the Norks: no more playing poker with marked decks! It's just not fair and takes the fun out of it because they're winning all the time.

I would straighten that mess out. That's what I'd do.

Gee, it feels good to be in the opposition.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

It's a fusion of Ranchero and the Blues.

If I read right, President Obama's speeches about the current state of the US economy are now translated into Spanish and set to music.

BBC NEWS | Americas | US uses songs to deter immigrants
They are the new secret weapon of the US Border Patrol: toe-tapping ballads with Spanish lyrics that tell of the risks of trying to cross illegally into the US from Mexico.
Bottom line: First you die and then you can't find a job.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

If Washington could refrain from causing the worst it would be a good start.

Four really, really bad scenarios - Eamon Javers -
His lecture comes as part of an annual “Rethinking Seminar” produced by the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory. Rickards argues that government is not doing nearly enough to prepare for the worst. “Here’s the policy problem for the United States,” he said in an interview. “We have experts in defense and intelligence, and huge depth in capital markets experience at the Fed and at Treasury. But they’re separated by the Potomac River. And they’re not talking to each other.”
Next we'll find out that Jamie Gorelick -- who put "the wall" between Justice and the National Security agencies before 9/11 -- put the Potomac River between the Pentagon and the Fed and then stoked the subprime mortgage mess over at Fannie and Freddie.

But there are work-arounds to get around the "Potomac problem" which actually go across it. Get two tin cans and a long string. Put one tin can in the Pentagon and the other in the Fed and connect them with the string. But remember, you got to keep the string taut or it won't work. Then experts at the Pentagon could talk into one can and the experts at the Fed could listen out of the other. It works the other way around, too. We'll call it the can/can system. Or The Canned "Can" system. Or the "yes we can, can-can" system. This set up will work when the cell phones go down, the Internet goes down, even when there is no more electric power. In lieu of fax machines, they can use pneumatic tubes and carbon paper. Congress "can" provide the air -- but only when it is in session.

Also, I'd like to point out the hidden resource our nation has in overly fertilized and watered suburban lawns. These lawns could provide at least four bumper crops of carrots, sweet potatoes and corn, with no need of additional fertilizer. The three car garages could hold a milk cow, several pigs and a pony -- useful beasts that will provide sufficient manure for the fifth and sixth years. Basements can easily become root cellars. In addition, household chemicals can be turned into pipe bombs and nerve gas.

I hope this has been of help.

This is the end, again.

This explains a lot.

Who Is at Fault for the Decline of the Big Three? - Michael Barone (
The UAW also created a constituency within itself of retirees who have voting rights in union elections just as actual workers do, and there are now something like three times as many GM retirees as GM employees as voting members of the UAW. Retiree benefits account for the lion's share of the difference between GM's labor costs and the labor costs of foreign automakers in the United States.

Meet the New Revolution. Same as the Old Revolution.

SPIEGEL sets the scene:
The violent unrest that followed the shooting of a 15-year-old boy has driven Greece to the brink of a political crisis. The rioting marks an explosion of rage by the country's young people who have few prospects of carving out a place in a society where all initiative is stifled.

The mood in the jam-packed auditorium was reminiscent of the student protest movements of 1968. Hundreds of young people thronged their way into the dark room, sat on the steps or stood on tables. They shouted "murderers" and "pigs" -- and thunderously applauded calls for revenge. Cigarette smoke and the smell of sweat hung heavily in the air.
I see the Speaker and his throng and I think, "Greek Throngs still smoke cigarettes? And smell of sweat? No wonder the world thinks they're revolting." I watch. I listen.

He's a thirty-five year old student leader wearing Trotsky glasses. He told the reporters he's twenty-nine which is OK because they think he's ageless. He claims to know and like computers -- and some people as well. His friends call him "The Brute" despite his slight stature. He is confident his enemies will some day become refugees -- if they survive to flee the country. The same applies to those "friends" who call him Brute.
BRUTE: We have to hold out until the government steps down!

THRONG: (Cheers. Applause.)

BRUTE: We have to transform the protests into a political movement.

THRONG:(Cheers. Applause. Howls. The Throng is in Thrall -- that's a suburb of Athens.)

BRUTE: We have to formulate political objectives!

THRONG:(Cheers. Applause. Howls. Foot Stomping in Thunderous Ovation--that's the rented hall in Thrall.)
I want to encourage the young mob and almost shout "Kill the pigs!" and "Keep the Cycle of Violence going!" But the better angles of my nature intercede. I decide to move the throng towards peace.
ME: Oh, Throng! I say, Throng! Calm down Throng and please listen to reason. What you need to do is think this thing through.

THRONG: (Irritably) Who is this guy? (Malevolently) Capitalist tool. (Creatively) Let's play "get the Fascist." (Delightedly) Cut out his entrails!
I run to the Bastille for safety. Throng storms it! I run to the winter Palace. Throng burns it! I fly to Guantanamo Bay. Throng closes it!

Desperate, I swim to Florida and ask for Asylum. The border agents are Mexican illegals doing a job Americans will no longer do. They don't believe I'm a Cuban entering illegally and refuse me permission to stay (I speak halting Spanish with a heavy Ohio accent). I tell them I will not show them my identity papers because they are all wet. I'm thrown into jail, but only for the customary two hours. Then I am given a court date and a bus ticket to Akron (they said they'd send me wherever I wanted to go but I didn't believe them and said Akron).

The moral: don't try to reason people out of a revolution they were not reasoned into. And if anyone asks you where you want to go, don't say Akron.

Monday, December 15, 2008

The End

More of that Spengler style commentary.
Financial crises, like epidemics, kill the unhealthy first. The present crisis is painful for most of the world but deadly for many Muslim countries, and especially so for the most populous ones. Policy makers have not begun to assess the damage...

Iran's President Mahmud Ahmadinejad controls Iran through a kleptocracy of Central African proportions, dissipating the country's oil windfall into payoffs to an "entire class of hangers-on of the Islamic revolution"...

Pakistan has one of the world's youngest populations and an enormous capital requirement. Young people borrow from old people, and countries with young populations should import capital from countries with aging populations. That is out of the question, for the world markets have turned Pakistan into a pariah. The cost of credit protection on Pakistani sovereign debt is now more than 3,000 points (or 30%) above the benchmark London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR), reflecting a complete shutout from capital markets...

Turkey has been able to keep afloat through the crisis, but barely so. The Turkish currency has fallen by a third, its stock market has fallen by nearly 80% in dollar terms, and the central bank must keep interest rates at a punishing 20% to prevent money from fleeing the country. Turkey has a real economy with a few first-rate manufacturing companies, unlike Iran and Pakistan, so the comparison is not quite fair. Nonetheless, Turkey relied heavily on short-term interbank borrowings to finance its balance of trade deficit, and the crisis has pulled the carpet out from under its economy. In August, before the crisis erupted in force, Turkey had 10% unemployment. It will get much worse.

Asia Times Online :: Asian news and current affairs
Those who objected to America's role as world policeman will get what they wanted, but they won't like it: a religious war reaching from Lebanon to Pakistan, and Colombian-style narco-war spreading to Mexico and Brazil...

The financial crisis will push Pakistan further towards radical Islam. Now this proclamation will be preached from every mosque from Tyre to Lahore: "The corrupt West tried to seduce you with consumerism. Now the poisoned gifts of the West are shown to be an illusion, and those of you who lusted after them are left only with your humiliation..."

Mexico in some ways is the most worrying place in the Western hemisphere. A low-level civil war between the drug cartels and the federal government has been fought over the past two years, and the cartels are winning. Senior Mexican officials charged with suppression of the cartels have been moving their families quietly out of the country. The collapse of the oil price and the likely collapse of remittances from Mexicans in the United States threaten the stability of the financial system, and the Mexican peso has lost nearly 40% of its value during the past several weeks. With the collapse of the American construction industry, a major source of employment for illegal Mexican immigrants to the US, the economic safety valve has broken, and the cartels have in inexhaustible supply of young men willing to risk their lives for a living.

Global Analysis - J. R. Nyquist "Hitting Bottom" 10/31/2008
But sometimes, even the insanity of war carries a cold logic of its own. This column has previously discussed the statements of Chinese Gen. Chi Haotian, known to Chinese dissidents. In recent years China’s leaders have been quietly talking to party cadres about a future war with America. It is true that Chinese dissidents see this as a political tactic for derailing the democracy movement. It is more than a tactic, however, to tell the political elite of a country that war is coming. The Chinese leadership has not been blind to the financial problem inherent in the U.S. economy and, therefore, the related problem of the Chinese economy. It is time to revisit Gen. Chi’s speech titled “War is not far from us and is the midwife of the Chinese century.”

Do we have time to consider the problems facing the Congo? Oh hell, let's just revisit Vietnam.

Intro Apocalypse Now

They see. They just don't inform.

Will 'feditis' spread to Obama and Daley? --
After stubbornly refusing to see Chicago politics as it really is, the national media are finally paying attention. That's great news for most everybody, except for our politicians.

The election's over so I guess it is not too early. As for those politicians, something tells me they will be alright.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Investor f-off

Madoff's alleged $50 billion fraud hits other investors - Yahoo! Finance
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Investors scrambled to assess potential losses from an alleged $50 billion fraud by Bernard Madoff, a day after the arrest of the prominent Wall Street trader.

Prosecutors and regulators accused the 70-year-old, who was chairman of the Nasdaq Stock Market in the early 1990s, of masterminding a fraud of epic proportions through his investment advisory business, which managed at least one hedge fund.

Hundreds of people, investing with him through the firm's clients, entrusted Madoff with billions of dollars, industry experts said.
They should put this guy in charge of Carbon Credits: such talent should not be allowed to languish the Federal Pen. Make him the "Federal Car Tar" too. Combine the positions. There. Progress being made.

If they can show "The Valley of Elah" in the Middle East, why not?

IS THIS A GOOD IDEA? The makers of the new movie “The Day the Earth Stood Still” have arranged for it to be beamed into space on Friday.
Hollywood is constantly making movies that are basically anti-American to sell on foreign shores. Having made an anti-humanity movie, why not make sure Space Aliens get to see it? In fact, if the Space Invaders in the remake had been watching I Love Lucy it would be an interesting plot twist. Lucy gets them coming here. But on the way here they watch All in the Family and Married with Children. Then when they get here they watch CNN. No wonder they send in the exterminator.

Maybe if we had all said “Klaatu barada nikto” to the Producers the movie would not have opened.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Take your IGCC and shove it where the sun don't shine. Put Solar Cells where the sun does shine.

Can Coal Come Clean? | Alternative Energy | DISCOVER Magazine
The technology behind the Polk plant is called an integrated gasification combined cycle—a mouthful usually shortened to IGCC. Unlike conventional coal-fired generators, IGCC plants don't actually burn the coal itself; they convert it into gas and burn the gas. This highly efficient process makes it possible to selectively pull out the resulting emissions, including carbon dioxide, which could then be collected and buried rather than released into the air.

Let's see: Go to all that trouble and Coal is still cheaper. What more do we have to require to Bankrupt them? Are the Democrats up to the challenge? Stay tunned.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Thinking Outside the Pizza Box

Belmont Club » Thinking the no longer unthinkable
Fox News reports that Barack Obama is offering Israel an nuclear guaranty against Iranian attack, signaling that a nuclear Iran is inevitable.

Wretchard thinks Obama's offer through for him.

I've a notion the Obama folks are up to this: Make the Israelis an offer they have to refuse and then when they refuse it, walk away from our other guarantees.

Which implies that Obama's folks have thought that far ahead. They likely came up with this over late night pizza while trying to figure out a foreign policy without a poll to guide them. "We three National Security Advisors disoriented are, ah, lah-tee-dah: Moor. Mountain. Field. Fountain. More Moors. Where are we? Who got the latest poll from Bethlehem?"

Or perhaps they are so far ahead in their circular reasoning that they are now behind themselves. They are so good at Mirroring each other that Mirrors have become redundant. Wait. Mirrors could never be redundant in Washington.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

What's this? Youth respecting tradition?

Clashes outside parliament as strike grips Greece | U.S. | Reuters
Many shops in central Athens stayed shut, boarding up their windows to prevent further damage. Bus stops and litter bins were blackened by fire, public telephone booths smashed and some buildings gutted by blazes.

Greece has a tradition of violence at student rallies and fire bomb attacks by anarchist groups, which have heightened tensions with police. Amnesty International, in a report on Tuesday, accused police of brutality in handling the riots.

Well, the police have their own traditions. The world wide Leftist hissy fit proceeds.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

And then the Youths became middle aged.

BBC NEWS | Europe | Fresh riots erupt in Greek cities
However, our correspondent says that nothing the politicians or authorities can say or do is likely to reduce the anger that is building.

A similar shooting incident in 1985 led to a lengthy vendetta between the youths and police, with violence continuing for years.

It is so hard to figure out what the news is telling us. If the riots were in France we would be safe in assuming the "youths" in question were Muslims. Even in the Mumbai attack the terrorists were described as "youthful" -- as if blowing off heads was their way of blowing off steam. But in Greece, who are these youths? Apparently, the rioters are leftists and the government there is Conservative, which should be enough of an explanation, I suppose (though the left and Muslim extremists will often make common cause).

What do the police say in their defense? According to the BBC, "In a statement, the police said their patrol car had been attacked by about 30 youths and responded, with one officer firing a stun grenade and another shooting and fatally wounding the boy."

And this tidbit in the list of riots and riots to commemorate earlier riots (how else would you do it?): 1999 - Police clash with protesters opposing a visit by US President Bill Clinton to Athens.

What did he do to them?

Friday, December 5, 2008

A Belly Full of Bailout

It's forced feeding time for the Auto Industry. And Otto Von Carmaker is not just going to get it in the tank, but up the tail pipe and in the trunk.

Detroit revs up its bailout begging | Salon News
On bended knee, and with promises to retool their operations, the Big Three ask Congress for billions to save the auto industry. They might get it this time.

Oh, there going to get it. It's what they are going to do with it and what the rest of us are going to do about it that is the mystery. Can we buy Cars in Canada? You know, like prescription drugs?

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Do Terrorists ever experience unintended consequences?

BBC NEWS | South Asia | US 'warned India' about Mumbai
Mumbai police chief Hassan Gafoor told a news conference on Tuesday that security authorities had "had an alert that hotels like Taj could be exposed to such danger".

ABC News quoted Indian officials as saying that after receiving the US warning, they also intercepted a satellite phone message on 18 November warning of a seaborne attack on Mumbai.

The city had been on high alert but security measures at the attacked hotels had recently been relaxed, the network reported.

ABC also reported that the Indian authorities had seized a mobile phone SIM card belonging to the attackers, which they said had led to a "treasure trove" of contacts and information.

We were told this was a well organized and planned operation. Why would the well trained terrorist bring along a "treasure trove" of contacts and information?

I'm reminded that the 9/11 attackers did not bother to conceal their identity. In fact, AQ hoped to get the US bogged down in that sand trap known as Afghanistan. Instead, we fought AQ in Iraq -- which at least has an outlet to the sea and the prize of vast amounts of oil. The idea that we should isolate a large US army in Afghanistan (in the midst of hostile neighbors) never appealed to me. If Barack Obama puts a large army in there, he better hope there are no Barack Obamas around to undermine him when the going gets tough -- as it likely will.

Clearly the idea behind this attack is to provoke conflict between India and the new Civilian government in Pakistan. If the terrorists deposited evidence of the involvement in this atrocity of Pakistan's security forces, then the Civilian government will find itself in a hard place indeed. But it might be possible to rally the rest of the nation against the "Pashtun-Arab alliance" that is trying to drag Pakistan into a disastrous war with India -- and perhaps the US as well.

The High Cost Alternative

Pajamas Media » Green Policies Mean Less Green in Our Wallets
At first glance, one wouldn’t see a connection between a rash of stolen copper pipes from vacant buildings and sky-high prices for food items — say the $70 that a local St. Louis grocer was charging for a single holiday goose — but those connections are there, and they ultimately stem from environmentalist-driven land use policy imposed by the government. It’s difficult to imagine that restrictions in ANWR may be responsible for copper theft, but responsible it is! Ditto food; why would we pay more for our holiday feast because the price of natural gas has risen?

The extreme Global Warmist are about concentrating power in Washington and turning the USA into the Soviet Union that works -- only it won't.

Monday, November 24, 2008

They blow bubbles, don't they.

Here is Spengler's take on President Elect Obama's financial wizards, from an article with some good background:
For a quarter of a century, the inbred products of the Ivy League puppy mills have known nothing but a rising trend in asset prices. About the origin of this trend, they were incurious. The Reagan administration had encountered a stock market in 1981 trading 50% below its the long-term trend. Reagan restored the equity market to trend by cutting taxes, suppressing inflation and easing some regulations. The private equity sharps were fleas traveling on Reagan's dog. They simply rode the trend with the maximum of leverage...
Without leverage, the clever folk around Barack Obama are fleas without a dog. None of them invented anything, introduced an important new product, opened a new market, or did anything that reached into the lives of ordinary people. They wore expensive cufflinks, read balance sheets, exercised regularly, sat on philanthropic boards, and assumed that their flea's ride on the Reagan dog would last forever.
Apparently their new idea is "shock and awe" stimulation for the economy.  Like the old joke says, when you have a hammer all your problems look like nails. The Real Estate bubble worked out well for Rahm  Emanuel, Barney Frank and the Congressional Democrats. Their Wall Street Pals will "bail out" alright, too.  Obviously, if you know how to create bubbles then when you see a problem break out the bubbly.  So soon we'll have a bubbly auto industry, a bubbly "alternative fuel"  sector and a bubbly bath for the taxpayer. I hope it is "for the children" since they are the ones who will pay for it.

Will his sensible appointees come up with sensible policies?  Or will they break out the bubbly?

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Want a well used crisis? How's about Global Warming for 45 trillion?

History News Network
What is to be done? We must use this crisis to make major strides towards energy independence. A major part of the stimulus package should be spent on investment in our energy resources. This is the time to take a holistic approach. We should do everything, so that never, but never, will energy warlords be in a position to hold us hostage again. As in 1973 and 1979, they have demonstrated yet again that they cannot be trusted. Enough is enough.
I wonder. If President Obama wants to serve two successful terms he will go slow on alternative energy development. Alternative energy is expensive energy and will drain America's wallet while putting the nation's industry at a competitive disadvantage. He would be wise to keep the price of oil low (and our enemies -- now his enemies, too -- poor) by allowing more domestic production and generating cheap, coal powered electricity for the grid. The fact that we may be entering a mini ice age should help. Instead of a ten year time frame for alternatives, he should think thirty years and have a successful Presidency.

He has been making sensible appointments. He should follow up with sensible policies.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Settled Men

Pajamas Media » The Peter Pan Myth: The Real Reason Men Won’t Settle Down
But what was original was just how much of a backlash Hymowitz herself incited –all of it from the boys. Her inbox overfloweth with righteous invective styling itself as the “Menaissance,” which sure sounds as ridiculous as “Iron John” did in the ’70s, but recommends an altogether healthier program than banging bongo drums naked in the woods. The Menaissance mantra seems to be, “We’re mad as hell, and we’d rather be masturbating”...

I watched "House" Tuesday and on that show an "emancipated" 16 year old girl said the reason she was estranged from her parents was that her father had raped her. I thought the statistical genius Doctors on the show should point out that for the biological father to rape the daughter is a rather rare event. For the "live in" boyfriend or the latest hook-up of a single mom, much more common. This is one of my favorite gripes against Hollywood: They constantly show the "traditional fathers" as wretches; the single mom as heroic. Then they will associate the social problems of the broken family with the intact ones. In the real world a daughter living in an intact family is at much less risk.

Now in this case the daughter was lying about her father raping her. On the program it seemed regarded as a perfectly acceptable "polite" lie, however. In the end they did show the parents reuniting with the daughter. That is progress, for Hollywood.

I think the gripes of the "boys" have to do with what they are called when they become men.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

An august bureaucrat gives us August in October

From the folks who brought us bogus "climate models" heavily biased toward global warming (or rather prejudiced against Free Markets and Free Enterprise) comes Flaming October!

The world has never seen such freezing heat - Telegraph:
A surreal scientific blunder last week raised a huge question mark about the temperature records that underpin the worldwide alarm over global warming. On Monday, Nasa's Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS), which is run by Al Gore's chief scientific ally, Dr James Hansen, and is one of four bodies responsible for monitoring global temperatures, announced that last month was the hottest October on record.
Jimmy Hansen and his jimmied up climate records is a prime example of a bureaucrat taking over a taxpayer funded institution to promote their own ideology. There is apparently nothing we can do about this if the individual shows up to work on time and don't take too many sick days or murder their co-workers. I remember this guy saying -- when global warming critics claimed that much foreign temperature data was inaccurate -- that third world readings track with US data so it's all good. Then when his "reformulation" of US data turned out wrong (the 90s were not the warmest decade in the US) he said it tracked with foreign data so he was still right globally even if his claims were wrong locally. 

The author Christopher Booker describes the cause of the latest screw up:
So what explained the anomaly? GISS's computerised temperature maps seemed to show readings across a large part of Russia had been up to 10 degrees higher than normal. But when expert readers of the two leading warming-sceptic blogs, Watts Up With That and Climate Audit, began detailed analysis of the GISS data they made an astonishing discovery. The reason for the freak figures was that scores of temperature records from Russia and elsewhere were not based on October readings at all. Figures from the previous month had simply been carried over and repeated two months running.
The mistakes seem to go one direction -- the direction of giving these folks all sorts of power and spending $45 trillion in a crash program to crash the economy.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Neo-Socialism and the Subprime Paradigm.

Neo-socialists are interested in the acquisition of power, not money. Therefore Neosocs work to make the population resentful of those who appear interested in the acquisition of money. They then use that resentment to acquire power over those interested in money (whose interest can be useful) and everyone else.

The fact that the economy began to tank under a Republican is a godsend to the Neosocs who surround President Elect Obama. So President Obama will do what he says he'll do, not what most on the "center line" of the political highway hope.

Back when everyone was talking $180 bbl oil I said the world has plenty of oil at $60 bbl and if the markets are allowed to function that is where the price will go. So obviously, the markets cannot be allowed to function.

For Obama and the Neosocs, $2 a gallon gas has got to be $5 a gallon gas if their "alternative energy" power grab is going to work. The business of OPEC is raising the price of gas by cutting supply. The Democrat Congress is the most important member of OPEC (see previous post) so look for them to significantly cut future US production. Of course it must be done with plausible deniability. Environmental concerns will stop oil exploration, stop oil shale development and stop new refining capacity. Meanwhile expanded oil use in the rest of the world will be allowed, if not encouraged, through Kyoto style loopholes (it's an antipoverty measure). Taxes and regulations of the oil companies must be greatly expanded in the name of Fairness. In return Big Oil will get -- from the Democrats -- expensive oil and good profits (the Democrats get their cut in the form of taxes). The Neosocs must get the price back on an upward path soon. They don't want their finger prints on "five dollar gas."

The USA as the TVA is part of the Neosoc agenda, and economic distress will provide all the excuse they need to implement it. Look for grandiose public work projects (as broadly defined as possible).

Meanwhile the economy as a whole will be organized into Cartels of Caring. Cartels exist to advantage producers over consumers and cartel community organizers over everyone. Cartels are justified as providing a social good -- even in autocratic Nations. As they spread through our economy they will provide little but social harm. The poor will become poorer (but they will be "helped") and the workers will become Cartel dependent. In fact, economic distress will make the emerging system more stable by making the dependent citizen conservative in the "change adverse" sense. The "change we can believe in" is neosoc "fear of change" in the population as a whole once the neosocs are in charge.

The Cartels of Caring will get a steady stream of income and protection from competition in return for supporting the new social order. In the neosocialist order, management and "Capitalists" will front for the bureaucracy and the Washington Party -- that combination of politicians, top bureaucrats, major media and "public private partnerships" that make up our ruling class. They will be politically dependent clients of the Washington Party. They will be selected for being responsible not in the sense of being competent, but in the sense of taking the blame when things go wrong (and they will go wrong).

Under old style socialism, socialist took the hit when economies collapsed. Under Neo-socialism the "capitalists" become neosoc puppets. They are kept around to take credit for failure rather than provide additional credit to success. Neosocialism operates on the Subprime Paradigm -- where the architects of the mortgage meltdown take charge of the "blame shift" and take over the government. Nice work, if you can get it.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The Democrat Congress: The most powerful member of OPEC

Pajamas Media » We Can Solve the Financial Crisis by Destroying OPEC
We need to ask ourselves the question: Why has the housing market collapsed? If you want the answer, just follow the money. It’s gone to pay for oil.

Consider: This year, with OPEC-rigged oil prices averaging near $110/barrel, Americans will pay $900 billion for their oil supply, and the world as a whole will pay $3.6 trillion. These petroleum costs are up a factor of ten from what they were in 1999, and represent a huge highly-regressive tax on the world economy. For Americans, the $900 billion oil levy (up from $80 billion in 1999) is equivalent to a 33% increase in income taxes across the board — with sixty percent the sum being paid over in tribute to foreign governments.

To see how this tax can destroy real estate values, it is only necessary to compare expenditures. In 2003, Americans paid $268 billion for new homes, and $197 billion for oil. In 2008, we paid for new homes at an annual rate of $134 billion, and $900 billion for oil. So the increase in our oil expenditures was more than five times as great as the fall in our spending for new homes.

OPEC functions by limiting supply to drive up prices. What is the response of the Democrat Congress to the recent fall in oil prices? They announced they will block oil exploration, not only off shore but on land -- in other words they will keep millions of barrels of oil (every day) off the market.

The most powerful member of OPEC is the Democrat Controlled Congress. They keep more oil off the market (by far) than any other member. And the American people pay through the nose. Why would they do anything to undermine the organization of which they form an important part? If they can find a way to get control of that money rather than sending it to foreigners — then maybe. Still, they will want the money (or more to the point the "power of the purse" and the power of regulation), not affordable fuel. They need expensive fuel to make their alternative future, with them in command in DC, a reality.

What do you call Bankrupting the coal industry? A good start on the road to bankrupting oil.