Friday, February 20, 2009

Enough of this Kabuki Krap.

BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | Clinton urges N Korean dialogue
Hillary Clinton has warned North Korea relations with the US will not improve until it engages in dialogue with South Korea and ends its nuclear ambitions.
I would do more than urge dial-a-ogue. I would write it. I would have North Korea say: "I end my nuclear ambitions." I would then have them say, "I will now make nice-nice to South Korea!" And then I would give them a trillion dollars (trillion being the new billion). In this way I would get the six-pack party talks back on track. We'll have better beer that's less bitter and no more whine! Instead of plain pretzels in our logic I would use cheese stuffed Combos. And tell the Norks: no more playing poker with marked decks! It's just not fair and takes the fun out of it because they're winning all the time.

I would straighten that mess out. That's what I'd do.

Gee, it feels good to be in the opposition.

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