Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Blame and Borrow Obama

Of course the media Pundits won't tell, but President Obama was quite ungracious in his speech tonight. He takes all the credit for a trillion dollars worth of wonderful spending that is in "The deficit we inherited." Apparently, if it weren't for George Bush's foresight, President Obama could not fix every problem in sight (and a lot of problems that you can't even see). Of course the Democrats were running Congress, which appropriates the money, when the deficit was created and Obama pretty much doubled it, so they inherited it from themselves.

The G.I. Bill got a big applause, as did graduating from high school (which is now a Patriotic Duty). A rather protectionist passage got big applause, while they sat on their hands when he mentioned the benefits of trade. He said the US invented the automobile: Karl Benz is now an American. That's the kind of history screw up that would have gotten Bush in trouble and got every German complaining in unison.

I'd give the speech a c+.

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