Friday, October 31, 2008

A McHurry-Cain on the Brain

Kausfiles :
The See-Saw Cuts Both Ways: Republicans have been gaining in the "generic" Congressional ballot, according to The Hill...As someone rooting for an Obama victory coupled with a small Dem majority in Congress, I've worried that in all the last minute confusion the See wouldn't know which way to Saw, given the countervailing possibility that ticket-splitting voters would side with McCain and compensate by voting for Dems in downballot Senate and House races. ... But if the MSM Final Push to Victory. among other factors, really does help produce a big Obama closing surge, that could (perversely!) tip the ticket-splitters' lever against Franken, Martin, etc., no?

If you think Obama is going to win, having more Republicans around to act as a check (and support him in times of national peril -- something the "Obama wing" is unlikely to do) then voting Republican down ticket makes sense.

A few months back I added my twist: What if the late Obama surge (Yes, I saw it coming!) is more media brain farting than a political storm? This is most unlikely to happen, of course. Obama is ahead in every poll. Still, the voters may take a look at the leap they are about to make and decide to stay on this side of the political Chasm. In this case, folks may vote for McCain but knowing he'll loose, vote for the Republican down ticket (instead of splitting their vote). In which case we could have McCain by a nose and a better than expected Republican outcome in Congress.

Yes, one last pleasant dream.

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