Saturday, October 18, 2008

What did Joe do and when did he do it?

What I want to know about Joe the Plumber is:
  • Did his boss ever blowup the Pentagon?
  • Did he ever do work for a slum lord who defrauded the government?
  • Did that slum lord help him buy his house?
  • Has he ever supped with bank robbers and murderers?
  • Has he lived in a corrupt political environment and never criticized it -- but used it to get ahead?

And by all means, let's have a look at his school records and past alliances. | Knoxville, TN | McCain speaks with Joe the Plumber
Earlier today, McCain charged that Obama and his campaign have been attacking Wurzelbacher. In fact, Obama and Joe Biden have attacked McCain for portraying Wurzelbacher as representative of most blue-collar workers.

Of course if he a played a blue collar worker on TV he'd support Sen. Obama -- and that would be important. But what's important about Joe is that he asked Sen. Obama to explain an obvious point in his tax plan and the Senator could not do it: instead, he searched in vain for a suitable talking point and potentially screwed the pooch by letting the mask slip. But not to worry, the press will screw the pooch for him.

So the Obama Campaign don't have to attack Joe (though they have). They got the guard dog press to do it for them. After all, the "mainstream press" is just an extension of the Obama Campaign.

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