Sunday, November 2, 2008

I come here not to Damn the Coal Industry, but to bury it.

Via Gateway Pundit:

When I tell Democrats that Obama's alternative energy future will require seven or eight dollar a gallon gas they just sort of shrug. Tell a coal miner that Obama's alternative energy future will require his mine to shut down and I suspect he'll shrug, too. And even if he does not, his kids probably will. It is a strange election in which a fantasy future of peace and plenty -- "Tom Tomorrowland" -- will win (if you believe the MSM). I call it a crash plan to crash the economy.

As for the voters in my area, here are a few observations I left as a comment at the Belmont Club:

In my last 12 hours of driving around Western Pa and Eastern Ohio I’ve seen two bumper stickers: one McCain, One Obama. I haven’t seen a large number of yard signs. I live in a heavily Democratic area and the Obama signs are not numerous but they have been around for a few weeks. McCain signs have sprouted up in the last few days in “upper working class” areas. You see a lot of McCain signs along the rural roads — a lot of signs but, unfortunately, few voters.

I joke with a lot of Democrat voters about the election. They seem to have proudly returned to their party because of the financial meltdown and the Dems’ reputation (deserved or not) for fighting for the little guy. They even listen to me trash that reputation (with a smile on my face and a lilt in my voice). Their commitment to Obama seems less solid then their pride in the party, though. I’ve had Democrats say to me, “When people get in the booth, who knows?” I tell them they can vote for McCain and still stick with their party. And sometimes I think they’re not sure how their friends will vote for president — or what they might do themselves. They will all be a brick wall down ticket, though.

By the way, they’ve asked me not to have a wig out Wednesday if McCain loses.

I drive through African American neighborhoods, too, and don’t see many Obama signs. Of course he will carry those areas by 98 percent so they might feel yard signs are redundant. Or maybe African Americans will sit out the Civil War the English Profs will wage if the One comes up short one elector. I have not talked politics with any African Americans this go round, nor they with me. But regardless of color or party, people are keeping their politics on the down low.

From what I’ve seen I would not rule out a McCain win: Just the likelihood of it.

To which I'll add that I talked to a small business man who said if he votes his interest he will vote McCain but if he votes the nation's interest he will vote Obama. Now, he is much better off than me (financially, at least) and I ended up explaining where his interest and the nation's coincide -- and sending more power and money to DC is not in the nation's interest. Geez. The Washington Guard Dog Media does it's work well.

But what if voters decide not to pull the lever for Tom Tomorrowland? Then there is this Audio which is just wacky enough to be believed. A McCain landslide? The hosts, Quinn and Rose, have a radio talk show with good ratings in Western Pa and Eastern Ohio (I'm a sometime listener). Still, I can't vouch for the accuracy of the prognosticators involved.

Happy election day and may all sides emerge victorious (that's a McCain win, for the underinformed)!

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