Showing posts with label Valley of the Silicon Darlings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Valley of the Silicon Darlings. Show all posts

Sunday, December 24, 2023

Who puts the Con in Fusion Confusion?

US nuclear-fusion game-changing achievement

In high school, I got excited about these laser-ignition experiments at the US government labs. That was in 1967 and I looked forward to a future of energy abundance and flying cars. Meanwhile, two generations of researchers have earned a nice retirement -- and I ain't got no flying car. I wish the third generation well.

For over half a century they've focused multiple lasers on tiny magic-mixture pellets in microsecond bursts. For one brief shining moment, they produce the center of the sun-like conditions that compress two hydrogen atoms together to make one helium, releasing a burst of energy in the process. How many seconds of power per decade does it all add up to? Less than a minute? Of course, they were actually modeling more effective H-bombs, so maybe we got our money's worth (we won't know until the world is utterly destroyed in a nuclear holocaust).

The current irritating and irradiating "fission" Nuclear Power Industry came to us courtesy of these same government labs, as well as the entire political establishment (you see, nukes are not just H-bombs and huge, mutant, lizard-monster things!). Of course, the electric utilities got the blame for the industry's real and Hollywood-conjured shortcomings, though at the time those executives knew nothing about nuclear energy and needed a kick in the butt to adopt it. They were happy burning coal to make the electric energy we demand, so blame them for that.

During the promotional period, we were told that nuclear energy would be so abundant that it would not be metered and the downsides weren't mentioned. I was in middle school and looked forward to a future of abundant energy and flying cars. Of course, the researchers were looking for grants -- mo' money -- so a positive slant is to be expected, back then and right now.

Still, I'm all for fusion energy. It's how we'll power our new robot girlfriends. "Honey, grab me a beer."/"Of course, darling, shall I massage your feet as well?"

Women can have robot girlfriends, too. They can complain about not having boyfriends.

Saturday, March 18, 2023

They Are Delicious (but with too much bad fat)

 Over at Sp!ked, Joel Kotkin says:

The rich are eating themselves

The oligarchs are playing a dangerous game by pouring trillions into woke causes.

Beware of plutocrats bearing gifts. The annual clown show at Davos epitomises how today, the global elites have embraced an unholy trinity of ‘progressive’ doctrines: climate-change apocalypticism, a belief in systemic racism and racial ‘equity’, and radical gender ideology. The super-rich hope that by genuflecting to these causes, they can buy themselves political protection and fend off the activists lurking in the ranks of their own companies. Yet, in the long run, this could end up fuelling their demise.

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

A Mauling by Maher

Nerdrotic discusses some Bill Maher clips where Maher takes the "Cancel Culture" Left to task for acting like the people they are -- and does it to great comic effect.

I first heard of "hate speech" as a political construct in the 1980s when in a bar talking to an admirer of the Communist dictator, Joseph Stalin. We'd been friends since childhood and I hoped that, after the revolution, he might help me get an exit permit. We discussed free speech and I said that the left often equates it with pornography, which the libertine left legally defends while the feminist left puritanically condemns. At the same time, both wings try to suppress political speech. He said, "You can't just let people say anything!" and went on to talk about hate speech. This came from a self-identified Stalinist who thought slave labor camps a necessary, if regrettable, phase -- which made me wonder about the enforcement mechanism he envisioned for his speech codes.

At the time I had a communist roommate who was in graduate school. He borrowed my car, got a flat, and drove it back to the apartment, shredding the tire in the process. He then used a can of fix-a-flat I had in the trunk. A short time later, I stared at the rubbery remains with the specs of foam clinging to the edges and marveled at the magical thinking involved. The fellow thought the contents of that can could knit that tire back together at the atomic level. He seemed confused that it hadn't worked. I joked that, come the revolution, he'd be the Minister of Science and Industry. Seeing the new direction that Science and Industry have taken, I'm thinking the revolution occurred when I wasn't looking.

Thursday, January 26, 2023

Whither -- or Wither -- San Francisco

Government action and the reaction:

No major American city has failed at the same level as Detroit, whose population dropped from 1.85 million people in 1950 to about 630,000 today. Move over Detroit, here comes San Francisco, which lost 6.3 percent of its population between 2019 and 2021, a rate of decline larger than any two year-period in Detroit’s history and unprecedented among any major US city.
In 1964 the Democrats put the Model City Program in place. It was meant to show what innovative government programs could accomplish. Detroit was a model city. A lot of Federal money and "help" for Community Action went into Detroit. The 1967 riots -- a type of community action -- followed. Those who sponsored the Community Action then wrote a report blaming the results on systematic racism (other people's systematic racism, of course).

It's the model for Democrat Party governance they've followed ever since -- blame everyone else for your screw-ups. Comparing dynamic Detroit in 1960 with its current husk, to sleepy D.C. then with its bustling (and budget-busting) "farms into office-parks" present, explains why this approach -- an apparent failure for ordinary Americans of every color and belief -- persists.

Friday, December 16, 2022


With great elan, I announce that my nominee for Robber Baron of the Year (The Rob-Boy award) is that media darling who so quickly turned dirt-bag: Elon! He will play himself in the movie. The tagline will be "Elon Musk is Elon Musk." Not satisfied with taking up space in Silicon Valley, he decided to take up space (at an accelerated pace) in Texas.

Some might claim the honor should go to Sam Banker-Man Freed (freed is what I suspect he will be when the Democrats see how damaging a trial could be -- or he could just be suicided). In any case, Sam Bankman Fried was just a fraud and there are plenty of those around.

Are the Silicon Valley fraudsters today's robber barons?