Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Wow, "Operation Flee" was an almost Victory!

Last Wednesday, August 25, I checked the MSN newsfeed before bedtime. The headline made it sound like the Afghan evacuation was now an ongoing success. This was based on the number of people flown out of the country. Apparently, they decided that by turning it into a pure numbers game, they can make "operation flee" sound like a triumph: it does not matter who the evacuees are, just crowd them on planes, fly them out, and pump up the numbers. Then on Thursday the terror attack happened. I figured this would be a three day set-back for their propaganda counter offensive. So Biden's speech the other night (where he basically said "never have so many, owed so much, to so few White House Staff") came as no surprise.

Not to say that damaged controlled stopped in the immediate aftermath of the suicide bombing. On Thursday, I was listening to CBS Radio news and their "correspondent" informed me that President Biden had been warning Americans to leave the country "for a long time." So I waited for an example of this warning. The correspondent told me that on Tuesday the President told Americans to leave. Wait. From Tuesday to Thursday is a long time? Well, if you are surrounded by people who want to kill you, it must seem that way. Of course, two days before the Taliban entered Kabul (with the administration's approval, if you believe the Washington Post -- which does feel awkward, I'll admit) the administration made it sound like potential evacuees had plenty of time to pack. Is there ever an appropriate time to panic? Apparently not.

1 comment:

Adam B. said...


This is Adam, we used to work at "your wholesaler job that you had before Covid-19" many, many moons ago. I was just sitting here listing to Dan Rivers, and for some reason said "I wonder what Howard is up to? I hope that Howard is doing ok, he was a cool dude." So I googled Kiddington, and here you are. Looks like I have a lot of reading to do; I'd also love to read your book. Anyway, I just wanted to say "Hello!" and "Hope all is well!" Amabo 08, bayyyy-beeeeeeee!!! Ricky Rosaaaaaaayyy...