Friday, May 30, 2008

I got a name for these guys: SAM!

The BBC asks:

BBC NEWS | Americas | What do the pictures tell us?

Although we do not know the name of the recently discovered tribe in Brazil, or what language they speak, it is possible to tease out some clues as to their way of life from the aerial photographs taken by the Brazilian government.

OK, my first question viewing this AP photo is: Which civilization is lost? Sure, the guys in the plane capture the image. But the guys on the ground capture the spirit -- of self defense. Plus, they know where they are and where they don't want to go. Second: When will Greenpeace slip these guys some Stingers? The Boyos got the right idea, they are just in need of a technological fix -- a more up-to-date bow and arrow.

And we got to get to them before Bin Laden does. We don't want him infesting another "tribal area."

As for their names: I think they are called the Hunters. Carpenters? Jungle Smiths. Alright, the tropical rain forest Smiths.

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