Monday, April 14, 2008

The Sadder Party fit for the sadirists.

Seems like this weekend we're watching the disaggregation of the Democratic Party. A couple months ago I speculated it might reach the point where both Barak and Hill run to lose the nomination. The winner will lose in November because a third of the Democrats will stay home. And the loser may well win the nomination and the White House in 2012. So each will work to make the other unelectable while assuring the other gets the nomination.

Obama's behind in this race because he's so far ahead. But the man's got talent. Calling out, "Send me your bitter, your angry, your desperate -- those who fear strangers and cling to guns and religion. I shall regester them (but not their guns!) and encourage them to vote for the first time -- those huddled masses yearning for free, well, hand outs." Hey, Barry, freeloading layabouts don't want it known. So who's gonna put an "OBAMA" sticker on their jalopy?

Now here he is (via Instapundit) ragging on Hillary: "She's talking like she's Annie Oakley! Hillary Clinton's out there like she's on the duck blind every Sunday, she's packin' a six shooter! C'mon! She knows better. . . . I want to see that picture of her out there in the duck blinds."

OK, Barry, it's all true but please, stop truthin' us so much -- unless you want to lose. Hillary won't even have to cry to get the gals marching to the polls now. I mean, knocking Annie Oakley.

Despite a great start, Barak will have to work hard to lose the nomination while making it look like it was stolen. Maybe he can blame it on Rush Limbaugh.

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